Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3262: So much fanfare, prepared for the back?

Chapter 3262 is so fanciful and has a backhand?

Night clear: "..." This vinegar is also eaten?

Awesome my mystery!

Night clearing the corner of the mouth and twitching: "Oh, maybe come back to me to report today's hatred."

Emperor Xu Xuan pinched her face again.

The night cleared the topic again: "Leave here first, look at the dark palace, what do you want to do."

A group of people came out of the cemetery.

This time, the night cleared and walked out of the edge of the cemetery without any hindrance.

The land of illusion also dissipated in the air with the departure of the ghost king.

It was discovered at night that this place is a very ordinary barren hill.

In the surrounding area, there are still dead bodies.

Unify the body of the dark dress.

Here... it really is the trap of the dark palace!

Fortunately, everyone in the world has arrived in time.

After leaving the barren hills.

It’s realized at night when it’s clear, and there’s absolutely no exaggeration in the war of the East China’s mainland that has no power to fight!

Now even people from all walks of life help.

Nor can it change the situation at hand.


At night, I saw the sky over the city of Yuyu, a repressed black.

Vague, electric light flashes, thunder roars.

The most amazing thing is...

In the sky, a huge black hole emerged.

The black hole, at least half the size of the main city of Saitama.

In the black hole, I still continually walked out of a team and then a team... dead bodies!

Are defective products!

However, there are not many people!

One wave after another.

It is still growing continuously.

No wonder...

The four continents are united and cannot cope.

After all, the other party is a monster, a tireless monster.

And they are people.

In this case, the monsters are added one after another, completely killing the dead.

After all, it will exhaust the mystery, exhaust the energy, and exhaust the physical strength.

Looking at the huge black hole in the sky, Yan Yan and others were shocked: "This... What is going on? We haven't seen this black hole before we went to see you!"

It’s hard to see the night’s face, and I’m looking at the black hole in the sky and looking at it for a long while.

She licked her lips: "Let's go back to the palace!"

On the way back, the night fell and pulled the sleeves of Emperor Xu Xuan, pressing down the voice and asked: "A Xuan, that black hole... It should belong to the large transmission array secrets... The dark palace is so fanciful, obviously not afraid Cause the upper three worlds, or balance the attention of the historical officials... That is to say, the dark palace has already been fully prepared?"

The expression of Emperor Mo Xuan is also dignified: "The light dance is still in the activities of the Three Realms, the behind-the-scenes of the dark palace... she will find out."

The night cleared a little, and I remembered that, after the disappearance of the ghost king, the dark palace palace disappeared along with the illusion.

"Do you know that the dark palace, is not the real behind-the-scenes?"

"He is the most, can only be regarded as a chess piece." Referring to the dark palace, the tone of the emperor Xu Xuan, a bit disgusted, "However, he can become the palace on the bright side of the dark palace, that also It shows that he has a very close relationship with the people behind the scenes."

The night clears the eyebrows: "I always feel that the dark palace owner seems to know me... a little familiar feeling..."

The words have not been finished yet.

Her chin was provoked by a man.

She lifted her head and took a look at the peach blossoms of the man.

His embarrassment, sparkling, charming: "Whether you are unfamiliar, you are not the person you need to know, don't think about him again."

Ok, beautiful man...

She recognizes!


A group of people, when they arrived at the palace.

The Dongjun monarch is already overwhelmed.


[Five chapters updated]~

(End of this chapter)

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