Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3254: The array method was suppressed and was broken!

Chapter 3254 is suppressed by the array method and is broken!

Ghost King sneered: "Mom Lord, I am a verbal cooperation with the Dark Palace. I will help you, but it is just because you owe your Master a human feeling... but it does not mean that you can represent the Dark Palace. Point to me."

The dark lord of the palace, which was covered by a black cloak, could not see his expression at this time.

But from his emotions, I can feel it.

He was confused and embarrassed at the moment.

He could not openly refute the ghost king.

It’s very tight.

Even the dagger against the neck rubbed his skin.

He seems to have no pain.

Eyes, staring in the direction of the ghost king.

The ghost king was stared more heavily, raised his hand and wiped the blood from his lips: "Do it again, you will kill this life, I don't want it."

The night clears the feeling that the main body of the dark palace that was clamped is stiff.

this is……

The rhythm of the nest?

In fact, in the heart of the night, because the dark lord palace destroyed the entrance to the dark array, there was still some anger.

She smirked and tightened his collar: "Have you heard that you can't be a qualified hostage by destroying the entrance to the Dark Mask."

Dark Palace Palace Lord: "..." Don't say it, as if he really wants to be a hostage.

The night clearing said that when her hostages were tied to the ground, they might fall into the abyss of the ground cracked by the ghosts.

The bottomless abyss.

Falling down is more than a hostage.

So, when the hostages are, at least they can still live now, aren’t they?

The dark lord of the palace: "..." I still don't want to let the emperor Xuan go out of the dark array.

I can't help but curse.

I hope that Emperor Xu Xuan will die in the dark array full of traps! Never appear in front of the night!

The ghost king squinted at the dark palace, and finally, looked at the night.

The look on the face, cold and cold: "Little girl, you better tell me about the whereabouts of the person, otherwise... I will make you regret, what you are doing today."

After a pause, he said again: "Even if the emperor is by your side, I have the ability to let you... later, regret."

The words fall.

He once again opened his arms, and the mysterious power covered the entire cemetery.

The dark clouds rolled again.

Black gas rises again.

The night cleared the hands of the dark palace, and tightened tightly.

A half-hearted fascination, passing a trace of suspicion.

What is the enemy of this ghost king and the king of the thieves?

Always feeling.

He was very obsessed with the king of the thieves.

Deep enough, do not hesitate to violate the cooperation with the dark palace.

Deep enough, he did not hesitate to give up the two artifacts he wanted.


Just in midair, the crack reappeared and slowly propped the opening.

Over the entire cemetery, flickering for a while, extremely glaring golden light.

Then, in the chest that cleared the night, Xuan Xinyu was like a fiery fire, and it burned a bit.

In the pet space, there was a breath of a few friends.

It also vaguely sensed a very familiar atmosphere and was approaching quickly.

The clear eyes of the night are steep and bright.

This... is a cat!

It is the breath of cats!

She signed a **** relationship with the cat and cat!

Within a certain distance, it is possible to sense each other and the existence of the other party!

That is to say...

The cat is nearby!

How did she find it?

Here...but the trap set by the Dark Palace.

It is the land of illusion!

It’s very hard to clear the night.

Equally aggressive, there are ghost kings and dark lords who are opening the dark array...

(End of this chapter)

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