Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3250: Who taught you the teleportation secret

Chapter 3250 is who teaches you the teleportation

The girl disappeared instantly in front of her eyes.

In the air, there is no half-girlish breath.

This makes the darkness of the palace of the dark palace, stunned, and the eyes are full of shock and surprise.


What is this footwork?

Why... I can't sense the fluctuation of the breath of half a minute?

The dark lord of the palace also looked at the ghost king.

Seeing the ghost king looking around, it seems to be searching for the trail of the night.

His heart trembled a few times.

If the strength of the night is clear... above him and the ghost king.

Her disappearance.

They can't sense her breath.

This may be ok.

But... it’s impossible for the ghost king to find the trail of the night!

The dawn of the dark lord palace, a sudden flash.

Is it...

Is this the escape skill that is deliberately concealed at night?

The girl’s body can always see all kinds of miracles.

So... is this a miracle she created?

Just ah...

This illusionary cemetery is deliberately aimed at the emperor and the night, and the illusion...

How can it be possible to clear the night and escape?

Even, this is her miracle.

After all, I can't get out of the cemetery.

as expected……

The ghost king disappeared silently in the night after the clearing of the night, and the time when the half-column was not enough could not find the atmosphere of the night.

He has a glimpse of his eyes.

Immediately lift the palms.

The generous palm, floating on a layer of black smoke, twists the breath.

He spread his hand, like in the air, and opened a layer of air.

Immediately, the entire cemetery began to shake vigorously with a wave of shaking.

The cemetery cracked open, like a spider web, and the dense spread spread.

The stumps of the ground were broken and they fell down.

The cracked ground, at first glance, is an abyss that is bottomless.

Not much time.

The ghost king’s sight was suddenly fixed in a certain direction.

Immediately, he swayed and rushed in that direction.

"Booming -"

Around, it was a deafening bombing sound.

That direction is the most remote corner of the cemetery.

The battlefield of Fangcai is at least two hundred meters away.

And when the ghost king rushed past that moment.

Seeing the darkness, a red flame, carrying a pound of mysterious mans, like a lightning bolt, straight out!

The turbulent waves are like waves of waves, constantly surging.

"Sure enough!"

The ghost king snorted and greeted the Xuan Mang, who was directly confronted.

The air wave rolled and dispelled the mysterious force that hit the face.


The person who rushed to the scene was shocked by this gas wave, and the body flew back a few steps.

When the red figure is stable.

Take a look at it.

Isn't it... night clear?

Ghost Wang’s eyes are staring at the night, and the eyes are straightforward, making people shudder.

In particular, his mouth is still hung with a smile that is infiltrating.

"Little girl... you are going to... teleport mystery?"

The ghost king is more and more interested in the night.

A person with a lower bound.

Not only does it have two artifacts in the drowning artifact.

The body of the fetus can withstand the power of the artifact.

Actually... I also know the teleportation secret!

Teleportation mystery...

I really miss it.

Unexpectedly, it has been tens of thousands of years.

He was in the lower bound and once again saw the teleportation secret...

"Who taught you the teleportation secret?" He stared at her, the smile at the bottom of his eyes, and it was more infiltrating.

The night was cleared by the waves of the genius, and it was a bit dull.

She looked pale and looked at the ghost king with amazement.


Clear at night: Ma Egg! Every time I use the teleportation technique, I have to be asked by someone. Who taught you this? Where did you come from the teleportation of Barabara! Can you still do it? ! Mom, a chicken! Mom, you give the aging mother out! The old lady will never kill you!

Zou Mo: Handing tea to the big force, the small head shivered.

Night clear: You specially made this golden finger to me, but also let me use it! These are three thousand chapters, you still not let me use? Used to be discovered?

Zou Mo (holding the head): No way, the readers are not enthusiastic, and there are tickets in the wood to cover the golden fingers for you. I am also desperate!

Night clear (meeting to the readers): robbery! Hand over the ticket! Let me put it on! With the cover of the cover, the force will not be thundered!

(End of this chapter)

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