Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3248: Artifact, I must get

Chapter 3248 Artifact, I must get

However, the night after the reborn, it is extremely sensitive to the perception of danger!

In the sight of the ghost king, look at the moment.

The night clearing has been reflective, and the body shape jumped into a red mang, disappearing into the air.

"Little girl! I didn't expect that you actually have two artifacts on your body! I don't want to come here today! Hahaha..."

The ghost king’s voice just fell.

The search was accurate and the night was cleared.

The night has not yet stood firm, and the ghost king’s next attack has already been attacked!

At night, the fingertips move, and the fan fan expands, suddenly releasing a red barrier!

The violent and fierce mystery hit the barrier.

"Booming -"

Two forces suddenly exploded.

The mysterious power of violent, blending with the heavens and the earth,

The air around it seems to be solidified by an invisible force.

The bursting breath makes it difficult to breathe at night.

This ghost king, really can't be underestimated!

The night is clear and the eyebrows are tight, and the body shape is fast to avoid the ghost king's offensive.

Her figure is like lightning.

The movements of the clouds, the mysterious power of violent horror, continue to spread.

After dozens of tricks with the Ghost King.

The two went back one step further.


On the surface of the night, the expression did not change.

But the sweetness of the throat that rushed out quickly showed that she did not show the calmness she saw.

This fight.

In fact, she is down.

This ghost king, what is it?

Has the strength reached this level?

The power of a double artifact.

Can't compete with it? !


She was not risky.

At this time, wasn’t it being carried directly by the ghost king to the dark palace? !

The night is clear and the fingers are tightly held.

Feel the aura around the world, and the entanglement of his own mysterious man.

After the body transformation.

After the strength is improved.

The changes in her body are indeed great!

Now she can even feel...

Bound on one side by the rope, the breath of the dark palace!

You know, before this, even if the Lord of the Dark Palace is standing in front of her, she can't sense his breath!

Can now sense it...

Explain... The strength of the Dark Palace, and the strength of her now... with her artifacts, is quite equal...

And now, I am afraid it will not be the opponent of the ghost king...

In other words.

The strength of the ghost king is above the dark palace.

Who is this ghost king?

It seems that it is not a dark palace.

However, he has been helping the dark palace...

Is it...

Is it also an outsider who cooperates with the Dark Palace like a heartless person?

"The power of the artifact... It’s really extraordinary, even your body, you can grow to this point..."

The sneer of the ghost king sneered.

The face is full of satisfaction and smirk.

He slowly raised his hands and smiled a little bit crazy: "Artifacts... I must get it! Hahaha... This is my artifact!"

When he raised his hand.

Brought a fierce and fierce mystery.

Endless waves and began to surge.

The dark and gloomy sky seemed to have turned into a mist, and began to gather in the direction of his palm.

That terrible horror.

It can be like destroying the earth.

"Ghost King! You can't do this!"

The Lord of the Dark Palace sees this, and the eagerness is constantly struggling.

The bundled rope cut through his skin and blood oozing out.

But his gaze, staring at the ghost king: "You will kill her like this! If she dies, the dark palace will not let you go!"

(End of this chapter)

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