Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3208: They seem to have a way to contract the Qinglong adults.

Chapter 3208 They seem to have a way to contract the Qinglong adults

"If you are not a contract with Qinglong adults, we will probably be controlled by those people, so thank you is necessary."

The telescopically convex Tongtian beast slowly lowered his head and his forelimbs also squatted down.

Made the most respectful posture.

Then, continue: "What questions do you want to ask, as long as I know, I will answer."

Yesterday, there were still three evil-eyed beasts.

At this time, one is only a good one.

At night, I smiled and asked, "Why, why do you help the monsters? When did they come in this forbidden place? The details of the answer."

"If we don't help them, the beasts in this zone will be destroyed!" The eyes of the heavenly beasts are filled with anger. "As the boss of this zone, I absolutely cannot allow any human, any other species, oppress. Wicked!"

How cruel the means of the dark palace.

The night is clear and clear.

Can always be proud, in the monster, the strongest three-eyed beast, so resentful, but unwilling...

It must be some means of doing the next, forcing the three-eyed beast to have to help.

"As for when did they come in here..."

Tongtian beast thought about it.

"Our monsters, the outside of the orcs, can not tolerate our existence. Of course, we do not like the orcs, and do not want to interact with them... Therefore, this zone belongs to our monsters. Site."

"It is precisely because there are Qinglong adults here to suppress, human beings can not step into this half-step... But just three days ago... a group of monsters claiming to be dark secrets, came in."

"They are all the smell of the dead, and they are all decaying... no matter how we attack, the monsters can climb again..."

"After they found the place where the Qinglong adults were asleep, the six people you saw yesterday followed."

After the Heavenly Beast finished, he added another sentence: "Their goal is obviously Qinglong adults, listening to the dialogue between them... They seem to have a contract to the Qinglong adults, but the premise is that you must stop you, and Qinglong adults are in contact."

She also realized this.

Just like before, Tongtian beast eagerly wanted to chase her away from the forbidden area.

And without hesitation, the place where the gold magnetic grass was told, the night was cleared.

I only hope that she will leave quickly.


From the very beginning, the Dark Palace was so determined that if Qinglong met her, she would definitely be contracted with her.

Did the Dark Palace see the identity of the cockroach in the morning?


The Dark Palace has determined that as long as it is the four holy beasts, will it be unconditionally contracted with her?

After all, she has two holy beasts, plus a holy beast and half soul.

and also……

The contract holy beast, especially the holy beast like the green dragon.

If not voluntary.

Wanting a contract is simply not as good as going to heaven?

What is the way to the dark palace, then you can decide to contract to the Qinglong?

"The specific reasons, they did not say, so we do not know." Jiaotong convex Tongtian beast sees the night clear, and if there is no opening, he will open the way.

The night falls and the line of sight falls back to its body: "Okay, your sincerity I feel it, go back."

She smiled and waved at them.

However, more than fifty of the beasts of the heavens, standing in the same place, still did not let go.

Immediately, I listened to the telescopically convex Tongtian beast, raised my head, sharp eyes, and looked at the night with seriousness and determination...

(End of this chapter)

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