Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3203: Owned entity

Chapter 3203 has an entity

In front of his elders, it’s hard to show the little girl’s tenderness at night.

She spit out her tongue and smiled at the old man: "I was wrong, I will never be again..."

She is laughing.

In the voice, it is also full of smiles.

The eyelids are a bit red.

Not difficult to hear.

Her tone, her seriousness, and the seriousness of the oath.

"The next time, the big Luo gods are coming, I am afraid that the old man can no longer stay with you." The old man chuckled, raised his hand and placed it on the head of the night, "but... This time, it is a blessing in disguise."

The night is still whispering the words "blessing in disguise".

Suddenly, I felt a generous warmth, and the palm of her peace of mind was placed on her head.

The temperature of the palm of the hand makes the night clear.

Immediately raised his head, looking at the old man with joy: "Hey old man, you...you..."


I can feel the temperature on the old man's body!


She can clearly feel the strength of the old man's palm.

This is the entity!

"You didn't feel wrong. Now the old man... can be turned into a physical one." The old man took her delicate body and held her in her arms.

Not before, when she rushed to the old man, the air had no real feeling.

It’s really true, being shackled by the old man, and embracing him, though not thick, but with a sense of security.

Even, she can smell, licking the old man, that is a snowy, clean atmosphere.

"This time, the old man fell into a deep sleep because of the evolution of the water bracelet..." The old man smiled and stroked her head. "The old man had to sleep for a while, but... just because of you and Qinglong signed the contract, Qinglong’s dragon's interest, and powerful strength, which awakened the old man."

The night cleared the distance between her and the old man, and turned around the old man several times: "You are... really real 1"

It is no longer the form of the spirit.

No longer want to touch, but it is the feeling of touching the air...

It is a real entity.

The body that can be touched!

At night, the old man’s hand was held, and he was excited for a while.

When she calmed down, she took the old man and sat on the stone bench: "What the **** is going on? What is the evolution of the water bracelet? And... why are you sleeping?"

The spirit and the war pets are similar.

They are all upgraded in a sleepy way.

She always thought that the old man was disappearing into the water bracelet.

Unexpectedly, this time, the old man has been in a state of sleep.

In general.

As a spirit of the water bracelet, there is also a prerequisite for falling asleep.

The last time was because she cleared the third floor of the Purgatory Tower.

This time...

What is the old man who is going to sleep because of what?

"The specific situation, the old man is not too clear..."

The old man held his chin and recalled Chen’s things before going to bed.

"At that time, you want to forcibly untie the contract with the water bracelet. The old man can't let you be so arrogant...

I didn't expect that when the old man wanted to stop you, he suddenly felt... a very powerful force!

That power is very warm, and powerful, can be directly suppressed, you forcefully cancel the contract, and the power of rebellion with the old man...

At that time, the old man seemed to hear someone, what he said in his ear...

Then, the old man opened his eyes, when you contracted the dragon. ”


Did she stop the deconstruction of her and the water bracelet?


[This complements the last chapter of yesterday~]

(End of this chapter)

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