Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3194: Have you ever heard of, won?

Chapter 3194 has been heard, won?

Because this is like laughing and laughing, it is like a sarcasm.

I have no heart and mind, and I have restored my usual indifference: "What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing at you, the lord of the Fortune Fortress, ruthless and unintentional, actually learned - self, bullying, bullying, people." The black robe mysterious man hit the blood, unceremonious sarcasm.

褚 Unsatisfied face sinking, cold scorpion, murderous shot.

"The bunker Lord, do you think... can you deceive your own heart by your excuses?" The black robe mysterious man asked without fear and unintentional sorrow.

褚 Unintentional condensed, cool and thin, the light is gradually dim.

The black robe mysterious man chuckles.

Laughter, like scum, like ridicule.

Hearing the unintentional heart, he was inexplicably covered with a layer of turmoil.

The incitement made his emotions faintly angry.

at this time.

The black robe mysterious man suddenly appeared in front of him.

Hands on his shoulders.

Under the black robe, the haze was so pleasing to the eyes that seemed to fall into the hail.

With him, four eyes.

Tight, it is the mysterious man in the black robe, the voice of the enchanting sound: "The burger master, have you ever heard of ... to win?"

Take it?

There is no change in the face of the unsmiling face.

The icy eyes were gradually covered with a thin layer of ice.

"You should... you are aware of it."

The black robe mysterious man smiled lowly: "You are single-minded, the person you want to get, has already changed a soul..."

Unintentional coix, slightly shrinking.

The black robe mysterious man has been observing the unintentional changes.

Then, according to the change of unintentional feelings, with different voices, the temptation continues: "The soul in the body is not the one who once made a vow with you... Now the soul in the body is taking To the person who really clears the body at night, she is your enemy!"

With the voice and tone of the mysterious man in the black robe, it gradually increased.

The change between the unintentional and the benevolent is becoming more and more obvious.

Emotions, as well as the mysterious people in the black robe, have violent fluctuations.

"The bunker Lord, what you have to do is to carry out our cooperation to the end. Only boarding, we want to reach the peak... you can re-call the soul of the real night clearing, let The real night falls and comes back to you."

The black robe mysterious man patted the unintentional shoulders as he finished the last word.

I didn’t feel trembled.

The eyes with no mood swings faintly reveal a deep dark color.

Take this angle of mysterious man in black robe.

Can clearly see.

As his temptation deepens.

The black smoke that slowly overflows, and the black smoke that slowly overflows, is becoming more and more obvious.

The black lips of the mysterious man in the black robe gently swelled, and the eyes in the haze were full of smug smiles.


(end of memory)

Indeed, as I did not want to think.

The medicinal herbs that are refining at night are all excellent medicines.

After taking it, it quickly became effective.

The internal organs that were injured in the body gradually stopped the pain.

Breathing is also smoother.

She opened her eyes, looked at her eyes, and unconsciously moved to the body of the night.

Watching the girl staring at her eyes, her face is serious and rigorous.

In his mind, once again, the words of the mysterious man in the black robe.

Can you win?

Has this soul in the body been replaced by another soul?

It is the soul of the present.

Did you take away the night that belongs to him?


[Explain: Unintentional memories, did not find the mysterious man in the black robe to use the yin of the human face, did his hands and feet, I wrote it, in order to make the readers look more understandable! 】

(End of this chapter)

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