Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3187: Are you willing to make a contract with me?

Chapter 3187 Are you willing to make a contract with me?

At night, the eyebrows are slightly raised, and the long and narrow singularity lingers, staring at the eyes of the dragon.

If it is not mistaken...

Fang Cai, the cry of Qinglong is called.

It reveals the feeling of loving kindness? !

Yes, it is love!

Qinglong, confrontation, love?

These words, in my mind, are spinning fast.

Let her head, some worry.

"The name of this is what you took?" Qinglong's eyes, staring at the small group in the night and whispering, whispered.

At night, I lowered my head and looked down at the black panther in my arms.

He looked up again and looked at the faucet that was close at hand.

Nothing can be done, take the guesswork in my heart.

This is impossible!

It’s just... it’s the Arabian Nights!

The night cleared his head and took out the unrealistic thoughts of his brain. He coughed and replied: "This name is taken by its mother."

"It's mother..."

The sound of Qinglong seems to be slightly trembled.

The night was clear and there was no time to listen.

The voice of Qinglong came again: "Are you and your contract, have you contracted?"

The night fell to the pair of it, full of gentle, full of nostalgic eyes, suppressing the doubts at the bottom of my heart, slowly nodded: "Well."


Qinglong’s leader is closer to her.

The low and thick voice reveals a hint of confusion: "Would you like to make a contract with me?"

"Would you like to make a contract with me?"

This sentence is like a thunder, a person who is on the scene, a beast, or a dead body, that is called a foreign Jiao Li Nen.

Did they not get it wrong?

Qinglong took the initiative and a human being and asked for a settlement?

One of the four great sacred beasts, the young dragon sacred beast, who took the initiative to ask for a bond with humanity?

This... What is going on? !

Especially the wind chimes, watching the dragon tail that split her in half, then moving towards her enemy, demanding a settlement.

This makes her, how can it be accepted?


The wind chimes gnash your teeth: "Do you know who it is, help you wake up! If it weren't us, how could you wake up? We tried our best to wake you up, you want to betray us!"

Her hysterical glimpse.

Along with the sound of "咔咔", the torn skin broke open a gap.

Hear the hysteria of the wind chimes.

Qinglong slowly straightened up the dragon body.

Its tail is a glimpse, and the dragon must shake.

In the face of the gentleness of the night when it cleared, all disappeared.

Awe-inspiring, powerful and powerful.

"You, **** it."

Qinglong opened and spewed a dragon's breath.

The violent violent waves, the two bodies of the wind chimes, impacted open.

Qinglong once again had a tail and squatted on the neck of the wind chime.

Time, the neck of the wind chime, separated from the upper body.

Even so.

The awareness of the wind chimes still exists.

She licks her scarlet eyes, full of grievances and unwillingness: "Qinglong, you are ungrateful! You are not afraid to lose your Qinglong's reputation?!"

Qinglong’s eyes are sloppy, and the cold is strong, and it washes away everything around it: “I am sleeping, but it doesn’t mean, I don’t know the outside world! I want to wake me up, let me use it for you like this monster? Really, it is detrimental to the majesty of my Qinglong."

The tone of Qinglong is very calm.

It's like saying something unusual.

One word, one word, slow and clear.

The distorted face of the wind chimes, like a piece of clay, cracked open under the sun, and the entire face was covered with dense cracks.

(End of this chapter)

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