Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3131: Next time, the sovereignty of doing things will be handed over to you.

Chapter 3131 Next time, the sovereignty of doing things, I will give it to you.

A silver bun, such as a drop of water, flows between the bun.

The tail end is adorned with cherry blossoms carved out like transparent crystals, sparkling with brilliance.

If you don't look carefully.

I think the cherry blossoms are like butterflies that are flying.

It’s fascinating.

At night, a pair of singular singers, all of which were adorned by the fascinating radiance, were adorned with large stars.

"This, this is..." The night fell slowly and raised his hand.

The red robe slipped to the elbow, revealing a white jade-like tourmaline.

Like a gelatinous, fluorescent fingers are applied and the bun on the crotch is gently touched.

The fingers trembled and touched gently.

Emperor Xu Xuan's big palm, close her little hand.

Leading her twitching fingertips and touching the hanging cherry blossoms.

The touch is cool, but it takes the man's temperature.

"Gift." The man was in her ear, a low-pitched opening. "Like?"

The night fell from the bronze mirror, facing the man's eyes: "This is what you... do it yourself."

She can feel it.

This hairpin has the breath and strength of a man.

Emperor Mo Xuan did not speak, but his arms tightened her delicate body, and the voice was gentle: "Is still angry?"

The eyelids that fell at night were trembled, narrow and charming, and stained with a moist.

From the time he is waiting for her to dress.

From his own hands to help her hair.

Starting from his gentle, slightly flattering attitude...

The fire in her heart has also disappeared.

Not to mention this time...

After seeing the hair made by Di Mo Xuan.

In her heart, the rest is only full of emotion.

In fact, she is not angry.

She grew up in the 21st century.

The education and thoughts accepted are different from the nirvana.

It is not very resistant to Di Mo Xuan’s act of carrying things with her.

After all, Emperor Xu Xuan is a normal man.

Every day, she kissed her and hugged her.

If there is no idea of ​​"doing things," she should doubt her charm.


Very unhappy...

It is Ming Mo Xuan who clearly understands the hard work of things.

Can finally faint, kneeling on the bed, the person who is sore, but she is!

But at this time...

All the feelings of discomfort and exhaustion have vanished.

Her heart was almost confused by Di Mo Xuan to Su.

"Next time, I will pay attention to some, not let you be so tired." Di Mo Xuan saw her for a long time, thin lips and her skin exposed to her, gently close to a few points, "or, next time, engage The sovereignty of things is handed over to you."

Clear at night: "..."

White touched mom!

This beast, think of "next time"!

The smile at the corner of the night was condensed and his face sank.

It’s time to open.

The man’s low voice rang again: “Everyone is already waiting for us both at the gate. If they don’t go out, I’m afraid I’ll have to wait until after noon to start.”

Clear at night: "..."

Night clearing said that the stinky animal will not want to lie to her in the future!


The night was cleared and the Emperor Xu Xuan went together and went to the city gate.

I accepted the attention of everyone.

The soldiers, the emperor's disciples, did not squint and stood straight.


The devil's class group of friends, one by one, the eyes are wretched, the corner of the mouth is still a playful smile, with a very wretched look, following the night clear and the emperor Xu Xuan between the two.

The words are directly "桀桀桀" and the laughter is heard.

"Lonely man and woman, a total of one room, Lang has love and intention, it is no wonder... all missed the time."

(End of this chapter)

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