Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3112: I want to come, I want to leave and leave?

Chapter 3112 wants to come, want to go and leave?

who is it?

The butterfly is holy and the land is enlarged.

A figure, appearing in my mind...

Wind chimes.

It is the wind chimes that tell them incomparably.

She has a way to drag the night and the emperor.

There are ways to use the ordinary people of Gufengcheng to trust her, help the dark palace, and capture the valley wind city.

That is why.

After the end of the sacred method.

The butterfly holy law will bring the team that belongs to her and appear on the battlefield!

The butterfly method is to be done.

It’s not just to take this container, which was once for Si Yanmu, to push her down to refine the dead body, and almost let her use it as a feed to feed the dead bodies and revenge.

It is also necessary to seize the credit of the Valley Wind City.


The night fell.

Emperor Mo Xuan appeared.

And, not just...

Also, they solved the base of their dark palace in Nanzhao mainland!

The base was resolved.

The power equivalent to the dark palace in the Nanzhao mainland has been disintegrated!

It also represents the current power of the Dark Palace.

There is only left...

Around the valley wind city, surrounded by these dark prince disciples, and surviving, no more than three hundred dead bodies!

And she, still thinking about the base, will continue to rush to the battlefield of the dead body ... or the secret dream of the dark palace disciples, no longer exist!

The base was ruined.

There is no reinforcement in the dark palace.


The help of the Valley Wind City arrived.

Not only is it the return of the emperor and the night.

They also brought a large number of emperor disciples.

Those disciples of the emperor's palace, the imposing manners, the imposing manners, and the deep understanding at a glance, is the disciple of the Imperial Palace.

In and...

The return of Emperor Xu Xuan and the night is clear.

Give the soldiers of the Valley Wind City, great morale.

The situation at this time is already clear.

The butterfly holy law is bright and eyebrows, and the distorted facial features are heartbreaking.

Wind chimes!

It’s the wind chime that splashes people!

She should have been prepared for the wind chimes!

That splashes people and loves the Emperor.

How can you really help the dark palace and help them? !

All this is the wind chime that splashes people's tricks!

In the heart of the butterfly law, the curse of hate screams at the wind chimes.

I have been staring at the night of the butterfly's holy law, and I am slightly charming.

When I saw the bitterness of the eyes of the butterfly law.

Her mouth was slightly raised slightly.

The butterfly holy law really has a suspicion of the wind chimes.

So, how does the wind chime stay in the dark palace?

Oh... Does the wind chime not like calculation?

This is the first return she has returned.

At night, the eyebrows are still enchanting, but the enchanting, but it is not up to the eye.

"Withdraw! Withdrawal!" The heart of the Butterfly Law, raised a chill, she clenched her fists, and screamed, "all evacuated from Gufeng City!"

The murderousness of the sky, lingering over the sky.

The butterfly method only feels that the limbs are cold.

She endured the rancid smell of the body, hidden under the dead body, and quickly evacuated.

At this time, the dark prince disciples also influenced the war because of the momentum of the battlefield.

Upon hearing the instructions of the butterfly law.

Quickly retreat one by one.

Originally, how quickly did the front and back pinch the Gufengcheng soldiers.

How quickly it was to evacuate.


"Gufeng City is not the place where you want to come when you want to go."

The girl is clear and vocal, and she is very pleasant.

When they retreated a few steps away.

In all directions, the disciples of the emperor's palace surrounded the dark court disciples and the dead bodies, and stopped the retreat of their evacuation.

"Night, clear, falling!" Butterfly Shengfa was angry, and drunk the name of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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