Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3110: If I am there, no one can hurt you.

Chapter 3110, I am here, no one can hurt you.

And it is expected... because it’s clear at night...

That unstable factor.

There is nightfall, everything is possible!

The butterfly holy law stared blankly at the night, staring at the red flame, the enchanting girl.

The gaze, and slowly moved to the girl... that smashed the purple clothes, like a man of Zhu Xian.

Inexplicable, the butterfly holy law only feels that the legs are soft.

"Shadow." The night fell and did not look at the butterfly holy law, but half a squat, and reached out to help the shadows.

"Don't, don't touch me..." Mo Yanying eagerly opened his mouth, like a mechanical voice, like a fast forward.

Her words just fell, and her eyebrows huddled together.

Looking at Mo Yuying's painful look, the night's clear hand, where still stopped: "Don't talk, I am coming, it's okay."

The hand that cleared the night, stretched out to Mo Zhenying...

"Don't, don't... will devour and swallow..."

Mo Yanying is eager to avoid.

If you can export, it is suddenly in your throat.


The hand that cleared the night passed through the black gas on her body and touched her body.

The soft little hand makes the body of Mo Yuying violently tremble.

Followed by...

Mo Zhenying felt that the tears in the body and the feeling of separation of the soul were easily suppressed by the hand.

The beauty of Mo Yuying is a bit stunned.

The empty godless scorpion, fixed to look at the hands of the night.

That hand is like carrying a purifying function.

Purify all the black gas from her body.

Her petite body was held in her arms by a slender girl, but with a very secure arm.

"Now it's okay, there is me, no one can hurt you." The night is clear and the voice is shallow, but full of heart-warming warmth.

Mo Zhen trembled and trembled, looking at the face of the city.

The heart has been without fluctuations.

At this moment, there was a sign of looming and recovery.


Suddenly, Mo Zhenying was keenly aware that a cold coldness came from one side.

She quickly moved her eyes and looked in the direction of the cold.

Then I got a pair of... cold, chilly eyes.

That is……

Emperor Supreme...

Why is the Emperor of the Emperor... staring at her like this?

Mo Zhenying squinted his eyes, rubbed his head, and looked at the emperor's face, which was getting more and more Shen.

I noticed the action of Mo Yuying.

The sight of the night clearing also looked at the past.

After seeing the face of Emperor Mo Xuan, the night was clear and white, and he glanced at him: "I see the shadow as a sister, it is normal to hug her, it is difficult to be... you want to hug?"

Emperor Mo Xuan calmed his face and spit out two words: "Don't want to."

"Then what do you do with the shadow of my house?" The night was clear and the short-shouldered Mo Mo Ying into his arms, holding a few points.

Emperor Xu Xuan's face is more heavy.

Mo Zhenying’s reaction is slow again...

There is also a strong feeling at this time...

Emperor Supreme seems to... want to force her out of the clear arms...

"Cough... That, the shadow is handed over to me for care..." The words looked at the face of Emperor Supreme, and rushed out to play the round.

From the night's clear arms, she took Mo Zhenying: "Clear, you must solve the dark palace first, the shadow I take care of, I will take care of it..."

Said, she also used Yu Guang, glanced at the direction of Di Mo Xuan.

Mo Zhenying was like this, and was changed to the arms of his words.

Emperor ink mysterious face, this has improved.

Clear at night: "..."

National vinegar altar - Di Mo Xuan!


[Small children's boyfriend MAX~emm, that's so painful, you know, today and tomorrow are the painful period... I can't stand the waist straight, these two days can only guarantee four chapters... The day after tomorrow, I will make up for it... ... baby forgive me, what?

(End of this chapter)

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