Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3077: You follow me, secretly acting

Chapter 3077, you follow me, secretly act

"Passive and other dark secrets attack, all the opportunities, will fall in the hands of the dark palace."

The night was clear and the sun was slightly sinking. "And, the dark palace already knows that I and Axuan are in the south of the mainland, and the emperor's disciples are gradually coming, plus... they know us, there are ways to deal with dead bodies. Awkward way..."

"Once the Dark House attack, it is fully prepared. But if we take the initiative and directly enter their base... By then, the Dark Palace will be caught off guard."

When the words fall, the night falls and the eyebrows bend, and look at the emperor Xuan Xuan: "A Xuan, I said right?"

"Yes." Emperor Mo Xuan thin lips pick, wide palms, gently covered the night to clear the furry little head.

Then, under the eyes of everyone pantothenic acid.

Slowly move your eyes to them.

"Small falls are very right. Passive beatings are better than taking the initiative. As long as the dark base is destroyed in the base of the Nanzhao mainland, they want to invade the southern continent, it is basically impossible."

Speech and others: "..."

My heart continues to swear: Although the Emperor said that he is serious, but what is the look of "my lady looks beautiful and says everything is right", what is the trouble?

"But... before you go, you must be prepared." Emperor Xu Xuan's face is serious. "And, the frontal attack, the attraction of firepower, is the disciples of you and the emperor."

Tang Beijun’s look is condensed: “I will lead the emperor’s disciple.”

Yan Zheng’s key point: “We will try our best to avoid delays.”

"Wait." The night cleared the shoulders of Emperor Xu Xuan. "What about me?"

"You and me, secretly acting." Di Mo Xuan took her little hand. "You must promise me, everything will be arranged by me, and you can't act without it."

His arm was a little hard, and the girl's petite body fell into his arms: "If you don't obey, I won't let you go."

The night cleared that the battle in the Miao nationality had already worried Di Mo Xuan.

Not long ago, Emperor Mo Xuan went to the base alone to explore the road.

She also realized that this kind of anxiety is worried.

Where will he be willing to let himself get hurt and let Di Mo Xuan worry.

She squinted seriously to Emperor Xu Xuan and nodded hard: "I must keep up with you."

Emperor Mo Xuan touched her little head and rewarded her ingenious obedience.

The four eyes are right and the warmth is spreading.

Speech and others: "..."

If this kind of discourse does not match the behavior of dog food, can you still do it?

"When I was exploring the road, I touched an organ... below the organ, it was the place where the dead bodies were refining."

Emperor Xu Xuanhuan was clear at night, and he did not intend to let go. He stayed up in the night and continued. "There are at least a thousand defective products in it, at least... there are more than ten mysterious people who are repairing those Defective products, should... want to upgrade the level of defective products."

More than ten mysterious people?

"The yin is dead. They can't find the spirit that is strong enough to refine the semi-finished products or finished products. Take other mysterious people to refine the dead bodies?"

She feels strange.

How is the yin dying?

The dark palace can be recovered so quickly, and there are still a steady stream of dead bodies.


The dark palace is not found to replace the yin.

Instead, it took advantage of the spiritual power of more than a dozen Xuan people to refine the dead bodies.

Because of lack of mental strength.

It will lead to the remnants of the dead bodies that are refining.


[First two chapters~ Dear babies, good morning~]

Thanks (.1一辰.) The same kind of reward for the screen, love you? !

Thanks for the reward of (JK-N6 [凌兮])~ The fourth place of Moye [Zongshi] is released~~muma~

(End of this chapter)

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