Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3072: Excuse me, how is Gu Gongzi?

Chapter 3072, how is Gu Gongzi?

Hao Nanren was so angry that his face was blue.

He is a leader.

Trembling fat, go straight to the corner.

After turning around, he also deliberately slowed down the pace.

At the speed of the turtle, I moved about a dozen steps.

I still haven’t heard it, the night is clear and the flu is coming to stop it.

Hao Nanren believes that...

It’s true that the night is clear, and it’s not rare for him to cooperate.

It is also true, there is no intention to retain him.

Even if Hao Nanren is in the heart, he wants to turn back and want to clear the Qinglongzhu to the night.


As the dignity of the Sui Yuzong lord, he will never allow him to bow to a stinky little girl!

Humph! Sooner or later, they will regret to offend him!

Hao Nanren clenched his fist and did not return his head. He left.

Next to the stone table in the backyard.

The ears cleared at night and moved slightly.

Determined Hao Nanren's footsteps, has been far away.

She only took her eyes and settled on Gu Ming.

"Night girl..." Gu Ming looked awkward, "I'm sorry, it makes you embarrassed."

"No problem." The night fell and waved. "You don't have to put this matter in your heart. He is proud of himself now because he has not suffered pain and frustration."

As she said, the corner of her mouth rose and she was very evil: "It doesn't take a month, he will cry for me... But by then, it's not just a dragon, it's simple."

Gu Mingyi.

In my mind, the moment I emerged, the situation in Nanzhao’s mainland was ruined.

He understood the meaning of the night.

If it is his change.

If the South China mainland has become a scene of charcoal, only one Valley Wind City is still stationed.

Maybe he can't be easy...

Take out the Zhuquezhu and make a deal with the night.

The night is clear and I want to wait until the Eastern Continent is also captured by the Dark Palace.

And at that time...

Hao Nanren tasted the end of the monsters.

I will regret it very much... Help the night clear.

In other words...

It’s really a plan to clear the night, don’t you help the mainland?

Gu Ming wants to ask for an exit.

But after watching the ups and downs of the night, all his voices were in his throat.

This is what is called the gas field.

When I saw it at night, I saw the thoughts in Gu Ming’s heart.

The smile on her face is thicker, the narrow and long-lasting charm, and the curvature of the bend is also full of evil charms: "Gu Zongzhu still rests earlier, may be uncertain... The people in the dark palace will make a surprise attack. You are a soldier. Our spiritual pillar is also the only person in Nanxun mainland who is currently the big servant. Don’t influence yourself because of these insignificant things."

Gu Ming arched his hand and nodded.

Solve the things here.

At night, I just want to go to the door faster, and wait for Emperor Xu Xuan to come back.

Just walk a few steps.

What did you think of at night?

She paused and returned to God, looking to Gu Ming: "To the Gu Zongzhu, may I ask... Where is your son Gu Jingyu Guzi?"

Referring to Gu Jingyu, Gu Ming’s face is slightly changed.

When Emperor Gongzhuang was the master of the palace, and Tang Beijun, who was also the right hand of Emperor Zun, brought Gu Jingyu back to Gu Fengzong, Gu Ming had already understood most of the situation.

his son……

妄 图 and Emperor robbing women!

The woman of the Emperor of the Emperor... is it the night?

Gu Ming slammed the lip piece and replied: "I have heard about the trouble that the dog brought to the night girl and the emperor palace. Nowadays... I have already detained him in the secret room of Gu Fengzong. Will not let him disturb you to the night girl."

(End of this chapter)

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