Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3065: Have to guard against

Chapter 3065 has to be protected

"Oh... this is..."

At night, Qingren’s cockroaches turned and fell, thinking about how to explain.

Then, listening to Mo Zhenying’s voice without emotion fluctuations: “You have to gather the four holy beasts, you have to go to the Three Realms, right?”

It is clearly a question.

Speaking out of her mouth, it is a very calm tone.

The night was clear and the eyelashes trembled.

Some were surprised, Mo Zhenying actually knew the role of the four holy beasts.

But soon, she understood.

Mo Zhenying is the island holy of the island of Godless.

The island of Godless is said to be in the territory of Nirvana.

But after all, it is a place beyond Nirvana and exists in another plane.

Mo Zhenying will know the role of the four holy beasts, which is also a normal thing.

She did not deny that she looked at Mo Zhenying: "You will keep it secret for me, right?"

"You want to drop us." Mo Yanying's face with no emotions, a slight, very shallow emotion.

It seems to be a stiff eyebrow on the face, gathering little by little.

"Not to drop you." The night fell and shook his head, and took the hand on Mo's shoulder. He used force. "I have reason to go to the Three Realms. I also believe that... my brothers can go to the upper three circles." ""

The beauty of Mo Yan’s shadow hole is fixed and the night is clear: “It’s hard.”

The night cleared the meaning of her words.

The brothers of the Tianzhu regiment, after this period of training, the strength has indeed increased very quickly.


If you say, go to the upper three circles...

It is very difficult for them.

Even her own...

All kinds of hanging, she must rely on the four holy beasts, in order to go to the upper three worlds, not to mention the brothers of the world group.

"Actually, I have already thought about it, just..." The night fell and took a deep breath. "When I gather the four holy beasts and open the portal to the upper three circles, I will tell you personally..."

She paused, her hands on the shoulders of Mo Zhenying, looking at the face and looking at it.

"I will go to the Three Realms to explore the road first. At that time, I will give the brothers three months... If in those three months, whoever can reach the realm of Tian Xuan, I will pick up He... goes to the upper three circles."

"Then, I can follow you now." Mo Yan Ying Mumu's opening.

The night fell and she put her head on her head: "You can't go. You are the island holy of the island of Godless. If you are there, you will not dare to act rashly."

Mo Yan shadows lips, no words.

"Don't forget, there is no **** island and dark palace... there is cooperation." The night cleared and pinched her little face. "It is because you trust you that you will give the brothers protection, and you stay to protect them." I can safely go to the Three Realms, isn't it?"

Those who are ghosts and sorrows, such as the secluded ghosts, have also cooperated with Wushen Island.

Before... The island of Shaodao, the predecessor of Wushen Island, was dry at night, deliberately pretending to be Xiqiao, and was surrounded by the Tianzhu Group.

This is the control of the ghosts in the back.

Now, the identity of the Monroe Shadow Island is exposed.

There is no **** island...

Even if you want to shoot, it has to pass the Mo Zhenying.

"Then I stayed." Mo Yanying stiffened his neck and nodded.

Then, with the eyes that have no emotions, I will stare at the night and clear: "Speaking of the dark palace, do you really help the mainland to unconditionally? Don't forget, in the northern continent, Yin Zongzhushou At the banquet, Lan Lingnuo will appear as a close guard.

On the mainland of the East, it is very likely that there is a cooperative relationship between the ghosts and the ghosts.

Have to guard against it.

(End of this chapter)

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