Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2985: I don't deny you.

Chapter 2985 I don't deny you


The man burst into laughter.

The undulations of the chest show how cheerful the man smiles.

The more he laughs.

The night is clear and the only feeling is embarrassing.

She bit her lower lip, struggled with her hands, and snarled her nose without anger: "Smile and laugh! You laugh!"

The more she struggles.

The more the man holds her tighter.

Also, the smile is more and more pleasant.

Xu is aware of the girl in her arms, the anger that is already on the verge of breaking out.

Emperor Xu Xuan smiled and tightened her waist, and the thin lips slowly fell on her lips: "I don't deny you."

Clear at night: "..."

Her cheeks are getting redder.

This is not shy, but annoying!

Partially, the man did not know how to raise his hand and gently licked the blue silk that stayed up late at night: "Even if you don't take a bath for three years, I won't dislike you."

"Dim Mo Xuan!" The night clears the teeth, and when the elbows are lifted, they will go to the emperor.

Emperor Xu Xuan smiled and blocked her hand.

Immediately, the long arm is caught.

She took her waist and hugged her.

The night cleared his hands instinctively hooked his neck.

"Well, don't tease you, how to tease, the face is still so ugly." Emperor Xu Xuan gently kissed her eyes, "First rest, I will call you later."

"No... Today is the third day, we want to..." The night fell and shook his head.

"I will arrange it and start immediately." Di Mo Xuan interrupted her words. "You rest first, I will help you bathe and change clothes."

Clear at night: "..."

How exactly did he say it, and said something to help her bathe?

"Isn't it the first time to help you wash, but also shy?" Emperor Xu Xuan was aware of her gaze and coveted her.

Clear at night: "..."

Not the first time you can't be shy? Don't say it seems to help her take a shower, is a normal thing!

Emperor Xu Xuan smiled: "Reassured, I will not take the opportunity to do anything to you."

He paused and said: "You are so tired, what do you do to you, you have no reaction, it is boring."

Clear at night: "..."

Can she hammer him?

In the end, the night fell and still failed to withstand the exhaustion and drowsiness of the body. After a while with Di Mo Xuan, he slept deeply.


Waiting for the night to wake up, it is already the next day at noon.

When she blinked, she saw the man's smooth chin.

At this time, she was resting on the legs of Emperor Xu Xuan, and her hands were still holding his waist.

This position...

Some are too embarrassing!

She blinked and was a little aggressive.

I noticed that the night was clear and the man was coveted.

A peach-like peach blossom, like a meow, is reflected in the pupils of the night.

The two are opposite each other.

"Wake up? Hungry?" Emperor Xu Xuan gently stroked her face.

The night fell and blinked, half awkward, like what I remembered, sitting up and squatting: "You are not saying, after I showered, wake me up!"


An uncontrollable chuckle came from the side.

The night fell and immediately turned to look at the past.

It was discovered that he was sitting in a carriage like a carriage, and the curtains on both sides floated from time to time.

The night can be seen, the large white clouds, quickly back backwards.

In other words.

Now, Xiaojiu is dragging the carriage and running wild in the sky.

That laugh, as if it came from outside the car.

The night fell and immediately climbed up from the legs of Emperor Xu Xuan, and opened the curtain.

Seeing the curtain, riding a bird of Warcraft, Tang Beiyi, was looking at her with a smirk.

At night, I thought of what I said, and my cheeks were red.

(End of this chapter)

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