Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2981: problem occurs

Chapter 2981 has an accident.


The night fell and immediately pushed away the man who wanted to take hold of himself, sliding down from the pink princess bed.

Before Tang Beiyi was ordered by Emperor Mo Xuan, he personally sent Gu Jingyu back to Gu Fengzong.

There will be urgent reports at this time.

Is it...

What happened?

Although she could not respond to the feelings of Gu Jingyu.

But for her.

Gu Jingyu is also her friend.

The night cleared and opened the door and went out: "What happened?"

In the north of the Tang Dynasty, the night was cleared and arched: "The main mother, the South China mainland has an accident."

"What happened?" The night fell and the eyebrows were broken. "What happened?"

Tang Beizheng was about to talk, and his eyes saw the emperor of the emperor.

Her gaze swiftly swept over the clear lips of the night.

I also looked at the face of Emperor Xu Xuan.

As a fiancé, she naturally understands what is happening in the house.

See Tang Beiyi bowed his head.

The night fell back and looked at the man with a gloomy face. She stretched out her hand and took his big palm.

The emperor's face was eased, and he blinked at Tang Beiyi: "Let's talk."

"When I went to Gu Fengzong with Gu Shaozong, I found that the Nanzhao continent had already... already..." Tang Beiyu looked heavy and dignified. "It has already been burned. It is said that the monarch of the Nanzhao continent has already fled..."

"Spiritual charcoal?"

The night cleared down: "The Nanzhao mainland is a better developed continent in the four continents. How can it suddenly launch a war? Which continent is attacking the Nanzhao continent?"

"No." Tang Beiyi shook his head. "The sect of Gu Fengzong said that it happened half a month ago. It was a batch of...monsters! It is said that they can't kill them by any means, they can't get rid of them, and they can't be afraid of water and fire. I watched them with a blind eye and slaughtered a city and another city."

Can't kill?

"Dead corpse?" The night fell to the mind, the first one took out the appearance of a dead body.

In addition to the dead bodies of the dark palace refining.

Night can't think of other monsters that can't kill.

Tang Beiyi had never seen a dead body, and he did not know what the night was.

She paused and continued: "When I left, the Nanzhao continent has been occupied by the people of the dark palace. Now only Gu Fengzong is still sticking to the Nanzhao mainland, but... I am afraid it will not last long."

"Sure enough, it’s a dead body!"

The night cleared the teeth: "The dark palace is so fast, I found someone to replace the yin?"

After the yin died.

The action of refining the dead body should be interrupted.

How can it be adjusted in such a fast time?

Can you still occupy the Nanzhao continent with a dead body?

"Don't... From the very beginning, the Dark Palace has been prepared with both hands?" The night fell to see Emperor Xu Xuan, asking doubts.

The expression of Emperor Mo Xuan also showed a bit of dignity: "The dark side of the palace, I am afraid that we will worry about us, we will take the opportunity to reduce their power, so we will be so eager to expand our power..."

His darkness is deep: "The thing we go to the Hell House, the dark side of the palace should be informed."

"The behavior of the Dark House invading the South China Sea has further confirmed our speculation." The night cleared the lips. "Their purpose is really to want the whole nirvana."


I don’t understand the night, but the person behind the dark palace, the person who is distinguished and noble in the Three Realms, why is it so deep in the world of Nirvana?

"There is still one thing, the Gu Fengzong lord called for help from the Imperial Palace." Tang Bei saw that the two were silent, and they opened again.

(End of this chapter)

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