Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2953: So afraid that your little beauty is jealous?

Chapter 2953 is so scared that your little beauty is jealous?

Under the gaze of the emperor’s faceless expression, he still keeps a smile...

Except her.

I am afraid that there will be only Bai Su.

Rao is the Emperor's Palace, and when he is in harmony with Emperor Moh, he will take a little care.

It can be seen that the relationship between Bai Su and Di Mo Xuan is better than she imagined.

“What else do you want to do?” Di Mo Xuanwei’s eyebrows, “The balance history officer is coming soon.”

Bai Su did not agree to raise his eyebrows: "Come on, come, how can they take me?"

After that, she smiled at the cold peach blossoms of God, and the smile on the face was even stronger: "Emperor, you are so anxious to drive me away, you can see... you know what I want to do."

The eyebrows of Emperor Xu Xuan are even tighter.

The sly peach blossoms also have a deep cold.

Bai Su muzzled "giggle" and smiled straight: "You can rest assured, we have cooperated for so many years, how can I dismantle your desk at this time, after all... we are a person on board."

In the last sentence, Bai Su deliberately lowered the voice.

With a kind of deliberately seduce voice, a soft opening.

The sound is very light.

However, it is also within the range that can be heard at night.

This is not too embarrassing.

The night fell to the side and listened, and I couldn’t help but smoke my eyes.

She feels that as the emperor of the Emperor Xu Xuan.

Should she say something?

Declaring what sovereignty is?


Listen to the deliberate words of Baisu.

Obviously it was intentional and wanted to arouse her reaction.


Want to tease and tease Emperor?

as expected……

Just at night, when the minds are clear, all kinds of thoughts are swimming.

The face of Emperor Mo Xuan was dull and dull, and it became ugly.

The deep chilly peach blossoms were also covered with a layer of coldness.

"I want the deity to send you back in person?" His voice was cold.

Bai Su's ridiculous smile, stiff in the mouth, snorted: "Sure enough, a wife is not the same, and now even a joke can not open, so afraid of your little beauty jealous?"

As she spoke, she threw a wink at the direction of the night clearing: "Little beauty, are you jealous?"

Night clear: "..." said that she did not want to care about her.

Emperor Mo Xuan tightened his eyebrows, one word: "White, Su!"

Bai Su raised his hands: "Oh, I will return here..."

The words have not yet been lost.

Suddenly, there was a cry of horror around.

Hell House and others, panicked and shouted.

This change caused the eyes of Bai Su and others to quickly follow the sound.

The dozens of people in the Hell House, at this time, pointed at a place in the rock wall with horror and shivered.

The night was clear and charming, and through the gauze, they saw the direction they pointed.

It was the white charm that was nailed to the rock wall.

The green candlelight, shaking and extinct, stretched the white figure.

The green candlelight shines on the stiff body of the girl.

Also clear...

Photographed, this is a scene in front of me.

On the rock wall, the one is only a green candle, one by one, gathered in the direction of whiteness.

Endless green light, as if forming a piece of green barrier, covered the girl.

No, more accurately.

It’s the face...

The face of Bai Mei seems to be rotting gradually.

Piece of meat, falling off the face of Bai Mei.

Bai Mei’s face, with the words “disastrous, **** and fuzzy”, is not enough to explain her misery.

Rao is seen in the **** night.

Not numb from the scalp.

(End of this chapter)

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