Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2946: Strange white sister

Chapter 2946 Strange White Sister

Apparently, Bai Mei’s sudden “cry play” is completely deliberately poked at his most embarrassing place.

Just to evoke the embarrassment of my sister.

Thus, take revenge for her.

The night cleared and snorted.

This white charming, even my own sister can count.

I don't know how much she is shameless.

In order to always take the name of my sister, in front of the emperor Xu Xuan.


The night cleared and saw the small calculation of Bai Mei.

However, Bai Mei’s sister, the spirit, is because of Bai Mei’s words. In the eyes, there is a sorrow that cannot be opened.

She licked her slightly pale lips and looked at the back of Bai Mei.

The beautiful and unconventional face shrouds the inexhaustible ambiguity.

The body, as if it is to be integrated into the air, is increasingly transparent.

"Merce, my sister doesn't mean that..." The spirit's rushing opening was full of worries. "My sister knows, is my sister right..."

The words have not been finished yet.

It was interrupted by a calm and mellow voice: "White Su."

The voice, the words that stopped the spirit.

The spirit quickly turned around, stained with wet eyes, and looked at the emperor.

"What are you doing here?"

Spiritual body...that is, Baisu, the gentle look on the face, there is a slight change, very quickly, gentle and gentle, looking at the emperor Xuan Xuan: "I am just worried about my sister." She is not bad in nature..."

Emperor Mo Xuan is more tight every time, and his mouth is pumping: "..."

Clear at night: "..."

Looking at this spirit called Bai Su, so gentle and talk to Emperor Xu Xuan, she swollen what kind of ... very strange feeling?

This feeling is completely different from the feeling of being uncomfortable before.

I don't know why, I always feel that... Bai Su is not seen on the surface, so gentle and watery!

This obstruction of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Let the original heart snicker, waiting for Bai Suzhen to persuade his own white, all plans have been disrupted.

The direction in which Bai Mei is going.

It is the direction of Hell House and others.

If she continues to move forward, then she will take the initiative to send herself to the hands of Hell House and others.

If she is back...

Is it not a waste of effort to perform a speech in front of Bai Su? !

Bai Mei squinted at his face, gnashing his teeth and screaming at the bottom of his heart. He also dared to say that he was not an admirer of the emperor, and that the emperor had an opening, even his own sister, did not persuade!

This is the time.

Hell House and others, suddenly look at each other.

Immediately, they jumped together.

Bai Meiben was injured because of the night.

He was surrounded by a group of bad old men who stinked and stinked.

And the pair, I don’t know how long I haven’t washed my hands, when I buckled her limbs.

Bai Mei’s “ah” screamed.

This screams.

Suddenly attracted the eyes of Emperor Xu Xuan and Bai Su.

Bai Su’s line of sight settled on Bai Mei’s body for a long while.

Until Bai Mei screamed and cried: "Sister... Sister save me!"

The beauty of Bai Su's double temperament slowly moved.

Her spirit, before it floated quickly, was extremely worried: "Merce is not afraid, my sister is here."

The night of the crowded down: "..."

The night cleared that she could not understand the woman named Bai Su.

If Bai Suzhen is as worried as she is, she is white.

It can be done completely.

Fangcai, that leaf, the night clear can be completely affirmed, the strength of this white Su is definitely the level circle of Emperor Mo Xuan.


[emmm If you have an impression of Baisu, you should know what kind of sister paper hhhh is Baisu]

(End of this chapter)

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