Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2933: Is it time to find your account?

Chapter 2933, should I find you account?

The action of the old fierce **** is a meal.

Several other people are also stunned.

Their gaze, and quickly looked at the evil tyrants and cold Yan.

Lower bound?

The woman of the Emperor of the Emperor, took the lower bound?

It’s just a coincidence that they are right with the evil fighters?

For the character of evil tyrants and chilling, they have been together for many years and naturally understand.

Even in the lower bound.

Once they don't follow their hearts.

Hate and may trigger a big fight.

this time……

The evil tyrants and the cold sects are the women of the emperor.

Listen to the night and take the initiative to speak.

The people of Hell, who were all thought to be misunderstandings, closed their mouths at this time and did not dare to speak.

"Since the Lord of the Hell House, the woman who injured the deity, it is also representative, your hell, the woman who is against the deity." Emperor Xu Xuan smashed the narrow peach blossom.

Those people did not dare to answer.

"When the woman of the deity is hurt, should the deity be looking for you to settle accounts?" Di Mo Xuan mouth corner pick, endless cold, and horrible breath, lingering in his body.

Listen to the reason why Emperor Mo Xuan is crowned.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the night.

With the temperament of Emperor Mo Xuan, it is absolutely necessary to directly sweep the Hell House.

Can be taken care of her.

Use this, the most complicated way.

Just want to pave the way, let her revenge.

Looking at the man's long and wide back.

The night fell and the eyebrows bent, overflowing the happiness and sweetness that could not be hidden.

Of course, the night falls and feels happy and sweet.

For a few people in Hell.

This is simply the death penalty!

A few people in Hell House gradually gathered together.

They looked firm and cautious, and from time to time they also looked at the evil tyrants and cold devils lying on the ground.

I am secretly thinking about how to solve this problem.

However, it is personal feelings to go to the lower bounds.

Why did you get rid of the Emperor?

The Hell House, which has always been awkward, feels very weak.

At this moment, suddenly a voice full of resentment, from far and near: "That splashes people, who is the lady! She is simply a lower-spirited person!"

As the sound approaches.

I saw a woman in a dark white space, staggering and coming over.

The woman has a white gauze and the hair is fixed with only one jade.

As she approaches.

Through the gauze, the face of the woman can be seen at night.

Exquisite and young, very beautiful.

Is it not...

Should I die in the Miao and Dark Palace battles?

Remember to remember the night.

Mei and Yan Zhenfei were under her design, and were crushed into patties by the dead bodies of the semi-finished products.

Mei actually escaped?


What is true?

"The people in the lower bound?" Lao Lie noticed Mei's words and asked him to tighten his brow.

The eyes of Mei’s grievances, sweeping the car that was cleaned up overnight: “Yes! She is the person in the lower bound!”

"How can people from the lower bounds come to the realm!" Lao Lie seems to have found a breakthrough, and the look on the face suddenly becomes a condensate. "I respect the adults, you are not in accordance with the rules!"


There was a sneer in the gauze.

The girl’s lazy voice, revealing endless contempt: “It’s hard to be, the Hell Lord of Hell’s House, going to the lower bounds, trying to destroy the lower bounds and engulf the space, is it in line with the rules?”

"You!" Lao Lie's face is red and cannot be refuted.

"The night is clear!"

The voice of the grievances of the murderer interrupted the words between Lao Lie and the night.

She step by step, approaching the car.

Finally, standing in front of the four maids.

Mei’s face is horrible and terrible: “You are just a lower-blooded person. If it is any reason, it’s wrong to appear in the realm! I have already informed the balance historian, you can’t escape!”

(End of this chapter)

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