Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2905: Pull you and bury together

Chapter 2905 pulls you and buryes together

This burning has a significant increase in heat.

The feeling of burning is also becoming more and more obvious.

The face of the evil tyrant became extremely gloomy, and the evil spirits lingering on his face all flowed quickly.

Especially the flesh-and-blood mouth on the face, and the surging birthmark, it was also scalp and numb.

Yes, even if it is burned and cut by this hot Xuanli.

The evil tyrant still did not loosen and clamp her wrist.

The facial features on the face are getting more and more squirming and extremely distorted.

The more burning, the more powerful.

The more the hands of the evil tyrants, the more they increase their strength.

The night is cleared by the strength of the force, and the mysterious force of the body is also suppressed, constantly surging, expanding, wanting to find an outlet that can vent...

What do you want to do? !

Doesn't he worry that his hand will be directly ruined by Xuan Li?

Isn't it afraid...

So keep it down.

He will also be countered by this mysterious force?

It is time to guess the purpose of the evil tyrant at night.

In the ear, I heard the exclamation of people saying: "Clear! Be careful!"

The dawn of the night cleared.

Almost subconscious, a move.

Yes, the one hand on her wrist, but firmly pressed her.

Not only that.

The evil tyrant also grabbed her wrist and yanked in the direction of her.

The footwork that was just about to be carried out at night was interrupted, and one went forward.


A palm, strictly behind her.

At night, I only felt a sharp sense of pain, as if I had to separate her limbs.

The internal organs are entangled in the internal organs.

In the ear, it seems that there is an anxious call from people and others.

But her consciousness is a bit fuzzy.

She took a deep breath, biting her lower lip, sweet smell, and spreading in her mouth.

The stinging also made her both stunned and gradually awake.

She clearly saw...

Behind his own body, the face that has been completely ugly, extremely funny and horrible, and the eyes full of smothering.

It’s cold Yan...

The evil tyrant has been holding on to her.

Just to create a cold Yan, you can kill her chance!

The night's clear breath is a condensation.

The severe pain of the internal organs has once again smashed up and twisted.

She hurts her eyebrows.

In the ear, the sound of cold and chilly sounds: "How? This is reluctant?"

"This girl is too abnormal, this seat can control her without this grasp." The evil tyrant lowered his head and stared at the hand that was holding his blood and water because he was holding the night and clearing his hands. "The repairing ability of this girl is too strong. It’s a problem to keep her dead."

The murder of the cold-eyed eyes rushed: "So... I killed her, you don't feel bad."

He is a question of inquiry.

Yes, the room has been swayed again, and the Tianling cover that goes straight to the night is pressed down...

This palm, the momentum is rampant, carrying endless killings.

Was under the head of a small girl, smashed his face.

This makes the cold derivation, which has always been claimed by the most destructive king, almost lost its face.

The only way to get rid of him -

Kill the night and clear the night, use the blood of the night to eliminate his anger!

The clearing of the night can clearly feel that the evil spirits that are full of killing intentions are rushing down to her.

Her slightly fascinating charm, little by little, became cold.

The very pale face, also in this moment, seems to be covered with a layer of frost.

"If it is dead, I will pull you and bury together!"


[Stomach pain, stomach pain, stomach pain, mushroom blue and thin, ask for kiss and hold high comfort]

(End of this chapter)

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