Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2897: Powerful destructive power

Chapter 2897 Powerful Destructive Power

"not good!"

The night cleared the heart, and also followed the direction of Ghost Wu and Zou Mo.

However, her speed is, after all, a slower one.


The evil tyrants carried the incomprehensible and sinister evil, and attacked the direction of the ghost.

The mysterious power of terror, such as the wave of rushing, is constantly surging.

The attack of the evil tyrant is completely unexpected.

Ghost Wu and Zou Mo, both of them have been relegated by this evil spirit.

"They want to change their sights!" The night is close to the pink lips. "The destructive power of the cold is very strong, and the evil spirits released are enough to destroy all the Miao people and turn them into nothingness! They want to use the evil tyrants to drag you both. People, then let the cold Yan go to destroy the Virgin!"

"I don't want to be a disciple in this seat." The evil tyrant did not deny it. The sneer sneered. "Do you know what? Can you stop it?"

The evil sneer sneered, without hesitation, the figure was like a sharp blade, and quickly galloped away.

Endless evil, spreading everywhere.

On the other hand, the cold has a chance.

The moment that the evil tyrant rushed up.

It has quickly rushed to the direction of the Virgin.

As he rushed, the road he had passed was shrouded in black air, the air condensed, and the space seemed to be shattered.

In the middle of the air, they cracked a piece of crack like a spider web.

A reminder of the clearing of the night.

The ghost-wu transfer target looks at the cold-sentence that has entered the St.

After seeing the cracks that spread around.

The look on the face has become a bit gloomy.

"Space burst?! You want to use this kind of magic!" Ghost Wu's usual emotionally dull voice is full of anger.

"Do you want to shatter this space?" Zou Mowen said, it was also a shock, "The consequences of space bursting, do you know?!"

The evil tyrants smiled coldly and slyly: "The consequences? These are the so-called dark palaces, what is the relationship with the seat and the hell?"

The faces of Ghost Wu and Zou Mo have become extremely ugly.

I dare to feel that they had decided to push all the sins to the dark palace in the morning.

Therefore, I dare to be unscrupulous and use these sorcerers.

Space burst.

That is the magic that destroys a limited space.

This is what the evil tyrants say...

Will the Miao people enter the virtual space? !


Under the sin of the evil spirits, within the St. Nunnery, it was shocking to make a loud sound, and it sounded loud and loud.

The destructive power of the release of the cold has spread throughout the Virgin.

Originally due to the war, it has almost become the ruin of the Virgin.

Under this powerful destructive power.

It is even more messy.

The speed of this destruction made everyone horrified.

After a wave of horrible mystery, it is still rushing.

"Hey, Jinzi! You run! Run!"

At night, the cockroaches expanded and screamed: "Red flames, oh, fast! Protect them first to evacuate!"

For a time, outside the Virgin's Court, there was a riot of horses.

Yan Yan and others have the protection of shackles and red flames.

And the night clears the reminder in time.

After several people evacuated, they were not hurt by the powerful destructive power.

However, in the St. Nunnery, there are four secret disciples who search for the whereabouts of Di Mo Xuan.

It’s too late to make a scream.

It was directly engulfed by this powerful and powerful force.

That life, even the blood and water did not spill half a drop.

It was completely swallowed up and turned into nothing.

This scene made the dark priests who were still outside the sacred courtyard, as well as the Miao people who were forced to come over and become mice, panicked and panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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