Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2883: It’s my turn to protect A Xuan.

Chapter 2883 is my turn to protect A Xuan

"How many times have I enjoyed the protection and care of A Xuan, and I have weathered the crisis again and again...

Now, it is my turn to protect Axuan.

Protect that... I always loved me and pet me, holding me in the palm of my hand, the petting man. ”

Love is a matter of two people.

She can't always love her with Di Mo Xuan.

Feel free to enjoy the dedication of Emperor Mo Xuan.

She also loves Di Xuan.

Just as Di Mo Xuan loves her.

She is also willing to pay for her life for the emperor.


Her eyes trembled and she lowered her eyes. "I want to protect A Xuan... At least, I will support Yiyi and solve it for him...

Just, I am sorry for you..."

What the old man wants to say.

Suddenly I felt the water bracelet, like what was hot.

Even the body with the old man was burning.

The old man’s words are ridiculously improved: “Down, you...”

The fingertips of the **** night fell on the water bracelet, and said lowly: "Hey old man, I promised you, will help you recover your body... It is my word."

If it is true... I have an accident, you will follow Axuan.

There is A Xuan, you must... better than now..."

"Falling the girl!" The old man only had time to call out that voice.

Immediately, it is overwhelmed by the burning, eroding the spirit.

It is forcible to clear the night, and he will release the blood deed!

It started from the night when it was clear and angry.

The old man realized that the night is what he wants to do to stop the evil tyrant.

Just did not expect...

The night will definitely make this determination.

And, it is holding a mortal heart.

Only to drag the evil tyrant, to fight for the emperor Xu Xuan, the time to solve.

Even if the night falls, I don’t even know if Miao Yiyi has that grasp.

It is also impossible to determine.

Emperor Mo Xuan will not break out after removing the situation.

Only he was left in the centrifuge mode.

In that case, Emperor Mo Xuan even her own person, will not remember.

More will not understand.

She did everything for him.


Does it really make sense?

In this case, the old man still has no awareness of exporting.

In front of me, the drop of blood that gradually fell into the night began to become awkward and blurred.

Just as the old man thought he was going to fall asleep.

Suddenly, there seems to be some warmth in front of the forehead.

In the ear, there is a faint voice of a clear spirit, and it sounds faint.

"She always looks like this."

"This blood contract cannot be solved."

"You can only trouble you... and continue to take care of her..."

That voice, ethereal as if the wind is talking.

It is extremely light and extremely slow.

If you don't listen carefully, you may not hear it.

However, the old man heard the tone, full of helplessness, and that faint favor.

Who is that……

The old man tried his best to open his eyes and wanted to see who he was, and who he could talk to with his spiritual body.

Yes, with the warm touch, I walked through the whole body...

The old man can no longer stay awake, and he is lethargic.


Uninformed night clearing, only when he and the old man have lifted the blood contract, they will face and fearlessly look at the evil tyrant.

Her pink lips gently provoke a very cold cold arc.

There is no expression on the face of the city.

The cold and glamorous between the two charming, but also the half-point temperature.

There is no extra nonsense in the night.

She moved five fingers and fired the fan.

Xuan Li began, with her control, mobilized little by little...

(End of this chapter)

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