Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2871: The night is clear, I am worried about the side of the Virgin?

Chapter 2871 is clear at night, very worried about the side of the Virgin?

"Oh... I have to praise you, it’s really a good man."

The night is clear and the smile is cold and the lips are pulled: "For the fox law, you don't even want your life."

The breathing of the wolf's holy law was tight.

He held the hand of the fox law and did not consciously tighten.

Fox Shengfa heard the news, and there was some confusion in his heart. He was anxious to withdraw his hand: "Wolf brother, she... what does she mean, what does it mean? What do you want to do?"

Yes, her hand has not yet been withdrawn.

It was caught by the wolf's holy law.

I don't know why, Fox Law always feels that holding her strong and powerful hand on weekdays, it is actually soft, like a half-power.

"She just wants to disturb our hearts, don't listen to her." The warm voice of the wolf holy law, softly answered the fox law.

This gentleness.

It’s the first time I saw it at night.

Even once it was light against the night.

I have never seen the wolf holy law so warm.

Is this the difference between love and substitute?

The night cleared his eyes and swept over the face of the wolf's holy law like a thin paper.

Although the wolf law is strongly restrained.

Anyone can see it.

The wolf's holy eyebrows, the tight wrinkles, and the cold sweat that constantly infiltrates.

It can be seen that the current body of the wolf holy law has already fallen to what extent.

At this time, it is only a strong support.

It seems that in the act of protecting the fox law again and again.

The body of the wolf holy law has been made more and more defeated.

Fox Shengfa also felt the wrongness of the wolf's holy law. She listened to the wolf's holy law. She only felt more panic: "Wolf brother, are you...is it for me to block the attack and hurt myself..."

"Fox." The breath of the wolf's holy law, panting, like talking, is somewhat difficult. "Don't think about it, I'm fine."

"Wolf brother!" Fox Sheng method tightens the eyebrows, the face is full of panic.

At this point, it is already full of the appearance of the girl next door.

There are still half-parts that are terrible.

Looking at the two of you, I said a word, the night is clear, the wind is moving, the eyebrows, a cold chill: "Do you think that you can change what? You can protect her for the first time, the second time... ...but, can you protect her for the third time, the fourth time?"

As the night falls, the sound falls.

The night clearing and turning of the fan-shaped fan has turned into a sharp weapon, which has pushed the past.

"You don't want to fight, block my way, you have to die!"

The wolf's holy law tightened the hand of the fox's holy law, and the arrogance of the sinister sin of the body followed the palm of the hand.

The strength of both sides, only in the air, collided with the interest rate.

The offensive at night cleared the upper hand and clearly crossed the gap, breaking up the scent of Xuanyin.

The wolf law is to take advantage of this opportunity.

Pulling the fox law to fly back quickly.

A few moments, he has returned to the huge Warcraft back, like a dinosaur.

"The night is clear, I am worried about the side of the Virgin?"

The hoarse voice of the wolf's holy law, although it sounds undulating, but the tone of the tone is still obvious.

The heart that cleared the night, trembled fiercely, and the coldness of the eyes was even worse.

"Want to go? Want to stop the dark palace?" The wolf holy law smiled lowly. "But ah, it's too late..."

The night's clear face, a time to condense.

She is close to the pink lips, but she does not dare to speak easily.

She is very clear about the insidiousness of the wolf's law.

This is very likely, that is, deliberately swindling her words.

The wolf holy law sneer: "Our mission... is to drag you down, as long as the Emperor is treated, not only the entire Miao, but also you... will be the contents of the dark palace."


[Today's holiday, Moye will try to be more and more, I feel that the state is slowly coming back~ The time of double monthly ticket is over immediately, and the ink is thick and cheeky. In the last time, I ask for a wave of tickets. Now I am going to vote for one. 2, 2 change 4! The babies with monthly passes are all cast to Moye~ tomorrow, there will be double doubling of wood~]

(End of this chapter)

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