Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2856: First move

Chapter 2856, the first move

"Taro, you still have to be careful, this woman has the evil spirit, it should be in direct contact with the people of Hell House!"

The old man reminded him in the knowledge of God.

At night, the fan of the fan is in the hands of the hands, and the line of sight does not blink for a moment, staring at the fox law that is full of hatred.

That strong hatred.

Extremely obvious.

"In a rage, the woman in hatred has unlimited potential. Her hostility to me is too deep, I am afraid not only because of jealousy, but also... the evil spirit, invisible, affects her."

The night is just a glance, and you can see the root of it.

The old man also thinks this way: "It is true, evil is the thing that most affects people's hearts."


The second wave of the fox law was once again attacked.

"call out--"

The sound of a blast of air broke.

That force passed directly through the dress that fell at night.

Carrying the extremely embarrassing Sen Han.

The hurricane swelled up and caused the night to clear the backhand.


A loud noise.

The two forces exploded in the air.

The body shape that was cleared at night was forced to step back a few steps. ,

Only then wiped the strength of the dress and shattered her sleeves.

The red robe of the fire, turned into a rag, followed the hurricane.

At night, the eyebrows were slashed, and the side was staring at the wide-sleeved gown, leaving only the white coat.

Huang Pin's mysterious jade.

Can actually release such a powerful force.

It seems that she has smashed the fox law.

At night, the other big sleeves were torn off and pulled to the side.

Without the obstacles of the wide sleeves, it’s even better to get up!

In the air, the mysterious waves of the two forces are still rippling.

Everyone was shocked by the power of the air and the shocking heart.

In the eyes of everyone, the night was cleared, although the sleeves were shattered.

However, the fox sacred law was forced by the night, and even after withdrawing ten meters away, even standing still, there were some wolverines.

It can be said that this confrontation.

Neither of them has taken advantage of anything cheap.

It is really impossible to see the difference in strength between the two sides.

Yes, just because I can't see it.

Everyone’s admiration for the night’s clearing is even worse.

You know, the night is just a fifteen-year-old girl...

Facing the second house of the evil palace that can compete with the emperor palace!

Can be tied into a tie, the night is already very great!

The Fox Law was confronted by this wave, and it was also a moment.

The seductive beauty gradually became a touch of anger.

She tightened her brows and slammed her eyes toward the clearing of the night.

"Fox sacred law, but only a move, will you admit defeat?" Partial, under the gaze of the fox sacred law, the night is clear and still have to smile and go to tease.

The sorcerer’s scorpion’s scorpion suddenly became red, and the mysteriousness rose again, and the offensive swiftly went away.

At night, the flame fan is on display, and the violent mysterious force blends with the fan.

A huge red dragon emerged from the fan.

"Booming -"

The red dragon flew up to the sky, covering half of the sky.



When the red dragon appeared, the screams of the dragon and the red flame followed closely.

The entire Miao nationality’s sky was opened, and the beast’s roar.

Earth-shattering, deafening.

Leading all the World of Warcraft around, can not help but launch a mode of escape.

"That, that is the dragon... the dragon..."

The elders of Miao Er were shocked and pointed at the red dragon on the horizon.

"No." Elder Miao Da pale, but still sensible, "That is not a real dragon, but a dragon that uses the mysterious force to make a battle..."

(End of this chapter)

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