Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2852: Defective

Chapter 2852

"Yes... It’s the mystery that remains in the night!"

Mei first noticed the goal of the dead body.

The remaining mysterious power is in the place where they stand!

Mei immediately pulled a slap in the face, and the figure retreated a few steps back.

The white fleece skirt, which fluttered in the fairy air, slammed into the scorpion, and suddenly stained the body water that had been eroded.

Accompanied by it, it is extremely rich in carrion.

Mei’s face was suddenly black, and there was something in the stomach that was tumbling.

The true Philippine, which was opened by Mei, was also rushed forward because of the sudden move.

It was so straight, and it was on a sly body.

Yan Zhenfei looked up in a panic.

Just the pair of captains, empty and godless, dark to the eyes that can't reflect half a reflection.


Yan Zhenfei screamed and screamed in horror.

However, this embarrassing, originally a dead body, is indestructible.

Yan Zhenfei’s push is not only pushed away.

On the contrary, it was the strength of the beggar, forcing a few steps back.

Looking at the countless cockroaches around, screaming and clawing, holding the weapon in his hand, he slammed it down.

Yan Zhenfei’s horrified help: “Sister Mei, save me... save me!”


A clear laughter, the birth of the voice of the true Buddha for help.

After listening to the laughter.

Yan Zhenfei and Yanren suddenly expanded, and the eyes of both eyes died in the direction of the sound.

Then I saw the corpse of the dead body above the air, the girl red dress like a fire, leisurely towards the bottom of her, smiled.

"You...you..." Yan Zhenfei is unbelievable.

"I haven't dealt with it, these dead bodies are stunned." The night is clear and enchanting, and in the tone, it is ridiculous. "This kind of defective product, I also want to get in front of me?"

Obviously, the plan of the Miyazu of the Dark Palace this time was not premeditated, but suddenly.

There has not been much deployment at all.

He took the person directly and rushed over.

These dead bodies, and the guards who were yesterday at the Virgen Selection Ceremony, and the five dark palace guards that met in the tunnel this morning, are not at all a level.

Yuyin said it.

Those dark Guards are just semi-finished products.

Then these, even the semi-finished products are inferior, it must be only abandoned defective products.

The fox law is really an acute one.

With such a few defective products, I rushed to the Miao people to encircle.

This cognition also makes the night clearer more certain.

This Miao nationality does have an internal response.

It was the time when the saints, the former saints, and the emperor Xuan were not there, and they launched a siege.

In other words...

The dark palace is basically certain, and Di Mo Xuan has no way to come to participate in the battle, so ... will be in a hurry, and with no scruples with this batch of defective products, attacked over...

The idea is to make the night clear and dark, sinking.

For things like nursery.

There are not many people who know about the night.

It can't be removed, and the Miao people should be able to detect the poisonous things in the emperor's body.

Before, the night clearing has always thought that the people in the dark palace, the purpose is her.

After seeing the defects of these defective products.

The night can be guessed...

The primary purpose of the Dark Palace is to determine where the Emperor Mo Xuan is...

If you can take this opportunity to deal with the emperor, it is naturally better.

Even if you really can't deal with Emperor Xu Xuan.

Take a night to clear, that is also the dark palace earned.

If it is not good, it will be to devour the Miao people and use it for their own purposes.

Regardless of the purpose, at this juncture, the people of the dark palace attacked, and that was all earned.

(End of this chapter)

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