Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2835: How could she leave him to leave?

Chapter 2835 How could she leave him to leave?

The elders of the right jury found out that the mood at night was not right.

He still wants to continue to ask questions. There is a question about the dark palace: "Night girl, are you drunk? If you drink too much, I will let your friends, first help you back to the room to rest, other things, talk about tomorrow. ""

"Drunk?" At night, the low laughter, the eyebrows, the endless enchanting, "I hope, I am drunk..."

The elders of the right jury are slightly embarrassed.

The night has fallen from the branches, and it is so faint.

The red dress is like a fire, like a flame elf that blooms at night.

The enchanting brilliance, the charm is the ultimate.

This looks like, how to look at it, it seems like it is already drunk.

And, drunk is not light.

Yes, when the elders of the right judges saw the eyes of the night, they could not judge whether she was really drunk.

The two charming, though, have been stained with a trace of sorrow, floating and sinking.

Can be partial, clear and calm.

It’s not like a drunk person at all, it’s a look.

The words of the elders of the right jury were blocked in the throat.


Another lazy laughter came from the girl's mouth.

She lazily smeared her lips, and her smile was a bit confusing: "It seems that I think about it, how to not involve the Miao, and finally... the Hmong is still involved."

"Night, night girl?" The judge of the right judge was puzzled.

The emotion that he was cleared by the night is already messed up.

It’s even more embarrassing to hear the night’s incomprehensible words.

"The elders of the right jury, if you really want to thank me, then I will hold the St. Mary for me. Maybe... After that, I can think of how to clean up the evil spirits of the guards who have been infected with evil spirits."

The night fell and smiled softly, and the sound was melodious, such as Zhuyu.

The elders of the right judges became a group.

I still don't understand what it means to be clear when the night is clear.

at this time.

Under the night, the extremely silent Miao, suddenly, burst into a ripple.

Then, the Miao, which was shrouded in the night, was a bright light, and the torch was swayed with the wind, and the light was extinguished.

I heard a sudden buzzing sound outside.

The elders of the right jury are again.

He looked up and looked at the horizon.

The one that took the light of the torch of Ming Yao was reddish for half a day.

"You are here just right! Fast, run!"

A rush of voice came.

Immediately, I saw a figure, and from the dark corner of the backyard, I quickly rushed over.

Obviously it was secretly sneaked into the courtyard.

"Old left, what happened?" When the elders of the right jury saw the people, they immediately greeted them and helped the hurried figure.

The elders of the left judges panted and waved their hands, and their eyes looked anxiously to the night: "Night girl, you leave with me from the back of the Miao! The road is remote, but absolutely safe!"

"Back mountain?" The elders of the right jury heard these two words, and they wrinkled their white brows. "What the **** is going on?"

"The dark palace... the dark palace people, all come, surrounded the Miao people, want the Miao people... hand over the night girl!"

The elders of the jury were eager and quick to say, and there was an anxious face: "Night girl, it’s too late, let’s go and talk!"

"Yeah, it’s too late." The night fell and laughed at the corner of his mouth, staring at the red-stained sky. "The people in the dark palace, since they came, will not let go of any chance... no matter which It’s too late for a road..."

the most important is.

Emperor Xu Xuan is still in the Virgin...

How could she leave him to leave?

(End of this chapter)

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