Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2828: I am guarding A Xuan for me.

Chapter 2828 guards A Xuan for me.

Her head, against the wall, raised her high.

The tightly closed eyes, the long eyelashes, and the tremors from time to time.

Full of guilt, full of uneasiness, full of heart.

She has always liked to arrange everything in order.

But this time, she is totally afraid to think about it.

The result of the failure of the solution...

She is full of brains, and is the face of Emperor Xu Xuan that Zhang Fenghua.

He smiled at her.

The warmth of the eyebrows seems to carry thousands of spring water.

Suddenly, there was something that gently pulled her clothes.

The night cleared his eyes.

A small, furry head was in the arms.

The white to the flawless head, reflected in close quarters in the night of the barren.

"Seven seven..." She muttered.

The little things in the arms are just the time when the Emperor Mo Xuan went to the stone bed and became the cat-like body.

Seventy-seven small bodies curled up in the arms of the night, lifted their small heads, and gently rubbed the cheeks of the night and night with their soft powdery tongue.

The furry little head is also pleasing, licking the face of the night.

The warm touch makes the body cool and cool, and there is a trace of warmth.

"Master, don't worry about the emperor, he is so powerful, there will be nothing to do." Seventy-seven children's voices, as if they have their own healing skills.

The night cleared the ring and tightened a small group.

The head of Qiqi was stunned again: "The feelings of the seven seven are drawn. The emperor loves the master. He loves the master very much. He loves the master more than the seven and seven, and loves the master. So the emperor must not be willing to give the master. He I will not let myself have any accidents."

The child-like words will clear the night and worry the heart, slowly smoothing down.

Seventy-seven and the night are clear blood.

Nature can also clearly feel the change in the mood of the owner.

Seeing the clearing of the night is stable.

The tone of the seven seven is a little cheerful: "The master must believe in the emperor, just like the seven seven believes in the master."

The eyelids that cleared at night trembled.

In the chest, there is something like a surge.

Her eyes are miniature, and some look at the front with no gods.

I seem to think of something, immersed in that memory.

I believe in the emperor.

Believe in the decision he made.

Believe him, will not be willing to leave her.


The only thing she can do now is to believe, only to believe.

"Seven seven will always accompany the owner!" Seventy-seven seeing the clear eyes of the night, finally recovered, and immediately licked the cheeks that stayed up late.

At night, I picked up Qiqi and patted it on the head: "I can't stay in the secret room, it will stain my smell."

As she stood up, she said: "When Axuan dispels, I can't stay with me, but seven or seven... you have to hold him for me."

The seven-seven shaking tail suddenly stopped.

"In my partner, the strength is not enough, and the intellect is not yet open; the red flame is violent, and it is easy to be a hot fire. Only you can protect Axuan for me."

The night is clear and stunned by its small head: "You and me can sense each other's dangerous atmosphere, so... you are here to guard A Xuan for me, if... there is really something unexpected, I am good. Come over."

Seven seven was persuaded, and two small, fluffy ears were lowered.

The night fell and laid down seven or seven. The line of sight fell on the closed door of the secret room and stared at it for a long while.

She raised her hand and took it from the index finger. She took it away and took off the phoenix ring that she had never taken down.


[The eight chapters of the promise, there are only four chapters at present, and will be added tonight.

Today is really a difficult story. Just open the computer code word in the afternoon, write a few hundred words, then power off, saying that it is a change of electricity meter, to power off for an hour, the ink master wants to go for an hour, which knows Eyes, already provoked at night. At this point, there are readers in the afternoon who listen to me complaining.

After eating, I immediately wrote a code, stupid seventy-seven and caught a cold, has been giving it medicine, busy to the present... The promised update will be finished, will be filled tonight, what? 】

(End of this chapter)

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