Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2807: Grab people from the hands of the deity, can think about the consequences

Chapter 2807 grabs people from the hands of the deity, can think about the consequences

The man was softly dismissed by the woman's soft words: "The yin is dead, let's go back to life."

His voice just fell.

Suddenly, he quickly caught the woman on the side and took it into his arms.

The figure quickly stepped back a few steps.


Mixed with the energy of the violent mysterious power, overwhelming on the ground.

Immediately, I saw the front, a layer of tumbling waves, and walked out of a slender figure.

The man was wearing a purple robes, like the king who came into the world, and the momentum was pressing.

Some of the men were forced to retreat.

He took advantage of the woman, and finally stood firm and raised his head quickly, alerting to the people ahead.

The gaze is fixed in the man's arms, the girl with a cold face.

The girl slowly walked out of the man's arms.

A red blush is like a flame, wrapped in a young girl's petite figure.

Carrying an all-in-one, an oppressive atmosphere.

Between the charming and the enchanting, there is a bit of smile, but it makes people feel chilling.

"Night, night, clear..."

The man stared at the girl and slowly spit out a name.

The woman in the man's arms, after hearing the name, immediately confided his head from the man's arms.

Under the black robe, a pair of bright and sinister eyes were revealed.

At this time, the clearing of the night clearly saw the face of the two men.

She tightened her eyebrows, word by word, and shouted their names accurately and silently.

"Chilling, secluded girl."

When these two names are spit out from the mouth of the night.

The look of the man and the woman’s face suddenly changed.

They looked at each other and saw the surprise from the other's eyes.

These two people are not others.

It was the two people who saw the 21st century before the fall of the night, using the meditation mirror.

The other two men of the Sayādaw.

Chill and secluded.

"You are coming to destroy the mouth?" The night fell to the direction of the eyes.

The faint and savvy body is obviously weaker and weaker.

And she still can't contact the old man.

In her heart, she felt doubts.

Escape from the solitude, no more than half an hour.

And the chill and the secluded woman, so quickly rushed over to kill?

Is secluded so fast?


The chilly and the secluded, is it in the vicinity of the Miao?

The idea was to make the face of the night clear and more condensed, and staring at the two people in front of them.

The secluded woman also did not blink at night for the night, especially when she saw the face of the night, and the eyes flashed a smack of shackles.

Her sinister tears of red lips, the soft voice is a bit cold: "The night girl is really smart, and we recognize both of us at a glance."

As she spoke, she looked at the evil spirits and looked at the emperor Xuan Xuan: "We are really lucky. Not only can we see the beauty of the night girl, but we can also see the mysterious Emperor, this time, let's come. It really doesn't hurt."

After that, the secluded woman laughed and ate.

Brilliant red nails, gently stroking his red lips.

I laughed very much.

"Put people from the hands of the deity, you can think about the consequences."

Emperor Mo Xuanmu does not squint, for the invisible girl, deliberate temptation, no interest at all.

His cold voice was not half-hearted.

In the ear of the secluded woman, it is the silence of the cold.

The smile on the face of the secluded woman, condensed on her face.

The chilly tightened the arm, tightened the secluded woman, straightened her chest, blocked the pressure of the release of Emperor Mo Xuan, and was full of vigilance.

Emperor Mo Xuan Wei Wei side, the line of sight fell on the chilly feet, lying on the ground a group of things can not really cut.

He slammed into the night: "That is the spirit of the yin, and it is taken over the yin, let the yin say, the person behind the scenes."


[Happy Christmas, updated~]

(End of this chapter)

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