Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2782: The king is coming

Chapter 2782 The King is coming


That is the teleportation of the king of the ancient thieves!

It is reported that you can move instantly, in a certain range of space, the secret technique of any corner!

This mysterious and powerful mystery.

As early as thousands of years ago, after the king of the ancient thieves lost the trace, it was lost.

How can the night clearing up... Shifting secrets? !

"I, I looked at it... She just broke through the encirclement of my semi-finished products and appeared in front of me..." Yuyin said that there was a lack of confidence.

He is indeed uncertain.

Whether the night is clear or not will really "tweet secrets."

But, at the moment,...

He can only bite this bite.

Just tell this message to the Sayādaw.

The Sayādaw will let him go, and let him, investigate this matter!

The secluded eyes licked the cold eyes, while staring at the gloom, the light flashed unclear.

Half a sigh, quietly embraced the chest, sneered aloud: "Yin Yin, I have a good hand with the night, if she really will teleport mystery, why have I never seen her show?"

This tone is obviously not a belief in yin.

Yu Yin suddenly rushed: "It's true... it's true... she really will teleport mystery, it will... will..."

The secluded eyes are still half-squatting, seeming to be thinking about something.

For a long while, his eyes were slightly confined and his lips provoked: "Since you are so sure, then... I will believe you once."

The gloom is a happy time.

I am about to speak.

Suddenly, the eyebrows suddenly looked awkward, and the eyes looked seriously at a certain place in front of them. They screamed and sighed: "Who!"


A light and unspeakable laughter, followed the air, into the ears of two people.

The lonely heart suddenly tightened.

The muscles of the whole body are subconsciously tightened.

This is a gesture of defense.

A jungle.

A slender figure, slowly coming.

The purple robes exude a suffocating cold.

The light is immersed in his robes and outlines the slender tall figure.

Just like walking out of the light, it is fascinating.

He walked step by step, strong enough to start with an unparalleled gas field, and a inch of rapid spread, covering this world.

He is like an absolute king.

The moment that appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

The solitude is tightening, and every nerve is called fear.

I haven't recovered yet, and the king of the purple robes has looked at him condescendingly.

The face of the genius of the wind, the cold and extraordinary, the corner of the mouth with a trace, very shallow and shallow smile.

Like laughing and laughing, murderous, cold and bloodthirsty.

"Where do you want to go, huh?"

Simply a single tail, so that the solitude of the body, filled with a kind of ... unspeakable chilly meaning.

Strong and shocking pressure.

The backlog of his internal organs.

He wants to escape.

I want to escape from this, so that he can't even breathe.

Yes, he has feet on his feet, but he seems to be stuck on the ground and unable to move.

"You...you..." The gloom of spirituality was also affected by the overwhelming pressure of the gas field, and the black robe hunting floated.

Under the black robes, the face is not clear, but I can see the fear of his face: "You are the emperor...the emperor!"

When the word "Emperor" is exported, it is time to export.

The solitude does not know where the courage comes from.

He bit hardened his lower lip.

The stinging feeling made his consciousness clear for a moment.

He quickly stepped back a few steps and immediately turned and ran.


[emm~ card has a description of the man’s appearance~ there will be a chapter~]

(End of this chapter)

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