Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2754: Miao Yiyi, "speaking to himself"

Miao Yiyi, Chapter 2754, "Self-talking"

On the side of the elders of Miao Er, they walked over and raised the elders of Miao.

Looking at the half-face of the **** Miao four elders, as well as the elder robes on the body, the stars are the bloodstains that Miao Rongrong has just sprayed.

"That girl! I helped her so much, she dared to do this to me!" Miao four elders grind their teeth and wipe the blood on their faces.

The elders of Miao Er lowered their voices: "Oh! It is not because she is a real Miao. If her strength can't exceed Miao Miao's words, she will kill her, but she is afraid that she can't get mad?"

Elder Miao four indignantly opened the hand with bloodstained eyes, eyes sullen: "If she can't be a saint, I must swallow her life!"

At this time, the look of Elder Miao Dachang suddenly changed. He shouted: "Miao Rongrong, what do you want to do!"

However, Miao Rongrong, who was covered in the darkness, could not hear the voice of the elders of Miao.

Immerse yourself in my own world.

When Miao Er and Miao Si heard this exclamation, they immediately followed the sound.

I saw the body of Miao Rongrong, like a madman, constantly twitching.

But she is scattered with long hair, and the face that is exposed from time to time is a piece of ecstasy and distortion.

Oh, it’s not like a normal person at all.

Looking at the Miao Rongrong in front of me, the three elders only felt cold in the back.

Instead, Miao Yiyi, looking calm, fixedly looking at the windless automatic, mad dance of the blue silk, hunting the green robes...

Staring for a long while, Miao Yiyi is biased, and the voice is a bit pale: "Oh? You mean... Miao Rongrong will appear here, is a strategy?"

After a while, Miao Yiyi asked in confusion: "What purpose?"

There is a quiet air.

The three elders looked at Miao Yiyi, who talked to himself.

I looked at my eyes again, and I was stunned by the black air. Extremely strange Miao Rongrong.

On time, the three men looked at each other and couldn't help but shudder.

At this time, Miao Yiyi picked up the scorpion again and smiled: "It turned out to be like this... So Miao Rongrong is just a chess piece."

"Miao, Miss Miao Da. Who are you talking to?" Miao Da elders calmly looked at Miao Yiyi.

Miao Yiyi raised her eyebrows and looked at the three elders.

The smile is more concentrated.

She did not answer the words of Elder Miao.

Instead, they are self-concerned, as if they are answering someone’s question: "Save them? No, no, no, they lead the wolf into the room, they have to find their own way, and have nothing to do with me. Why should we save them in one fell swoop?"

Seems to hear something again, Miao Yiyi laughed "giggle".

"They didn't treat me as a Hmong. I naturally don't need to treat them as my people."

This sentence is said after the export.

The three elders are stupid.

That is also to understand, Miao Yiyi said in the mouth that "they" in the "rescue them", that is ... they are.

Looking at Miao Yiyi’s ridiculous smile.

The heart of the elders of Miao Da, has a moment of condensation.

I always feel that there seems to be an ominous premonition that spreads in my heart.


It is really weird!

This Miao Yiyi is definitely not for no reason, talking to himself.

Who is Miao Yiyi talking to?

What does it mean to say "rescue"?

The more the Miao Da elders think deeply, the more they panic.

He tightened his white eyebrows and quickly walked in the direction of Miao Yiyi: "Miss Miao Da, what do you mean by this? This is..."


Miao Yiyi did not look at the Miao Da elders, but spit out two words and interrupted the words of the Elder Miao.


[Guess, Yiyi is talking to who~]

(End of this chapter)

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