Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2729: Can't wait to implement the promise of the deity?

Chapter 2729 can't wait to implement the promise of the deity?

"The meaning of not coming out is that you can't face your aunt after you know all the truth?"

The night fell and did not care about the nursery, but looked at the direction from the self-consciousness. "Or because... even if you know the reason, you still can't forgive her?"

After the nursery heard her words, her apparent look was frozen on her face.

Her face is gradually whitening.

The hands that are next to each other are getting tighter and tighter.

The night will be so sure.

It is certain that... Miao Yiyi is not far from this room.

That is to say, all the memories she just said.

Miao Yiyi listened to her ears.

Miao Yiyi knows all the causes and consequences.

It is as clear as the night, can not face her.

Or because... can't be forgiven?

In this uneasy atmosphere.

A girl dressed in a costume of the Miao women's candidate, slowly, entered the eyes of the two.

The girl's face was full of tears.

A pair of eyes, staring at the nursery, as if confirming something.

When the nursery's gaze fell on the girl's face, the whole person, like a fossil, was in the same place.

"Don't you want two people, calm down and get rid of the misunderstanding? What are you doing here?" The night cleared the eyes of the nursery, the soft voice.

These two people, played by fate, have too many misunderstandings.

Things between them.

Outsiders can't get in.

Only if they are candidly announced, they can solve the problem by saying it in their hearts.

It is not intended to clear the night, and they will intervene in their grievances.

The nursery throat moved, and the white lips trembled slightly.

It’s a long time, but it’s a spit.

If you look closely, you can see...

At this time, the body of the nursery could not help but tremble.

One person is stiff, afraid to speak, breaking the silence at this time.

A tearful face, just watching it quietly.

In this case, it actually lasted for half a column.

Seeing that the night is clear and direct, I threw the two people out: "Go and go, don't bother A Xuan rest!"

Turn the door off and return to the bed at night to sit down.

In one hand, hold the man's wide palm.

It seems that this is the only way to make him feel that she is with him.


Her ass, still have a hot future.

Suddenly, the waist suddenly slammed.

Even if it is a whirlwind.

Her body has fallen onto the bed.

The man's hot and hard body firmly fixed her delicate body between his arms.

The familiar sandalwood atmosphere is filled with breath.

The man is long-haired, pouring down and falling on her face, screaming at her skin.

The night clears the pupils and shrinks through the hair.

In her eyes, it reflects the one... the fascinating, indifferent face.

It is Di Mo Xuan...

He woke up!

The night is clear and bright, revealing a happy color: "A Xuan, your body..."

"What happened to the deity?" Emperor Xu Xuan took a long and narrow peach blossom, and his lips were slightly raised. "I can't wait to implement the commitment to the deity?"

The night of the clearing of the barren was shocked.

Is his body, the dominant one, or the centrifugal one?

It became the one again, forgot her, and the gas field was strong, and the belly was black to the ultimate Emperor.

"What do you want to stay?" Emperor Xu Xuan leaned down, thin lips close to her lips, low dumb smile, "too much thought, get the deity to this ... small room, lonely man and woman..."

He paused and his voice was dumb.

(End of this chapter)

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