Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2723: The relationship between nursery and Miao Yiyi (Miao people's past, do not

Chapter 2723 Relationship between nursery and Miao Yiyi (Miao nationality, do not like to order)

The look of the nursery changed slightly.

The fingers that are close to each other are tighter.

The fingertips were all white, and the blue veins collapsed.

In the double eyes, a thin mist was fainted.

There was no urging at night, and she was quietly immersed in her own thoughts and memories in the past.

For a long time, the nursery had a double squat and slowly opened his mouth.

Mixed with a sigh, extremely painful.


The relationship between the nursery and Miao Yiyi, as the night clears.

Not a mother-daughter relationship.

But it is indeed the same mother and daughter.

The nursery is the sister of Miao Yiyi's mother nursery, which is the aunt of Miao Yiyi.

However, in more precise terms, the nursery should be regarded as the master of Miao Yiyi.

Most of Miao Yiyi's sputum was taught by Miao Wei.

Miao Yiyi's biological mother is not a Miao nationality, but Miao Yixiong is outside, and when the Miao people are running around, they are saved.

The nursery and the nursery were brought into Miao by Miao Yixiong.

The names of the two of them are also given by Miao Yixiong.

In the days of the Miao nationality, their sisters are not good.

Because the Miao people are too united.

They are not willing to recognize them, they are from outsiders.

Therefore, when Miao and Miao Yixiong have feelings and are pregnant.

There is no one in the Miao nationality who recognizes the identity of the wife of the patriarch of the nursery.

Of course, Miao Yixiong is just looking at the beauty of the nursery, taste the taste, play it.

The woman who Miao Yixiong wants to marry is naturally a woman who can stabilize his Miao nationality and can help him.

For him, the nursery is also a plaything.

These words, the nursery all advised the nursery.

However, Miao loves this hero who saved her and does not believe her sister's words.

With the child in her belly, she is looking forward to her hero and marrying her through the door.

Yes, the nursery, etc., is not the Miao Yixiong's eight-lifted sedan.

It was the lady chosen by Miao Yixiong, who was on the same big belly and looked up the door with arrogance.

The threat was to take the order of Miao Yixiong and knock out the "wild species" in the nursery belly.

The reason for the fight.

It is to make her the child in the belly of Mrs. Zheng’s wife become the big lady of the Miao nationality.

Which nursery is willing to do so.

The two sisters misunderstood the land of the ancient kings.

At the right time, the ancient king was licking the shell and accepting the new life.

I heard that Miao and Miao had entered the land of the ancient kings.

Miao Yixiong and the elders have come.

Under the tense of the nursery, the stomach slammed into the shell of the king.

The sharp shell cut through the skin on the nursery belly.

A drop of blood, following a half-shell, fell into the body of the king.

This scene allows the Miao Da elders to have a panoramic view.

The king who inhaled the blood of the nursery belly was actually not half-moving.

And the nursery was not eroded by the poison of the king.

The elders of Miao Da immediately took the shot, and the children in the nursery’s stomach were recognized by the ancient kings. It is the only direct bloodline of this Miao!

The face of the Miao woman was white.

The power of the Miao people in the Miao nationality is also very strong.

But no one who dares to approve the children of the ancient kings.

In the end, Miao Yiyi’s identity was hidden only after the nursery gave birth to Miao Yiyi.

Until the children of the Miao women, that is, Miao Rongrong was born.

Miao Yiyi gradually appeared in the eyes of the Miao people.

In fact, Miao Yiyi was born two months earlier than Miao Rongrong.


For Ms. Rong Rong’s name as a big lady.

Hard to live... Turn Miao Yiyi into the second lady of the Miao nationality.


[Updated today~ I will make up tomorrow~ What?]

(End of this chapter)

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