Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2718: Emperor's whitening lips are tight

Chapter 2718, Emperor's Whitening Lips

Listen to the serious tone of the girl.

The eyebrows of Emperor Xu Xuan’s eyebrows rose slightly.

In particular, after hearing the girl’s serious words.

His eyes did not consciously smile.

The night fell to his ears and could not see the look of Emperor Mo Xuan.

But the nursery, seeing clearly.

The heart could not help but sigh, saying that the Emperor of the Emperor was crazy, and spoiled a girl named the night, and loved it in the palm of his hand.

It seems that now, it is true.

Anyone can see it.

The feelings of these two people are really good, and there is no half-false feeling.

Waiting for the night to clear his own small head, looked up, very serious look at the emperor.

The man has adjusted the mood in the shackles.

It seems that it is so expensive and indifferent, the son of the abstinence department is one.

Emperor Xu Xuan rubbed his thin lips, raised his long fingers, and curled up, and bounced on the forehead at night.

The voice is low and slow: "Good."

The night cleared: "..." So simple and neat answer, how to make her have a kind of sense of sight into the wolf pit?

I always feel that Di Mo Xuan has always refused her proposal in all kinds.

Just to lure her, say this?


After hearing that Di Mo Xuan finally nodded and said good.

The nursery could not wait, and they were invited to the courtyard of the Virgin.

The Virgin is in a very high position in the Miao nationality.

Therefore, the place where you live is also the best location for the entire Miao.

It has a separate courtyard and is far away from other ethnic groups.

Outside the courtyard of the Virgin, it is a great nursery.

The things planted in the nursery are very curious to make the night clear.

Those seedlings are not common green.

It's a kind of... almost **** red.

It seems that it is very infiltrating.

The nursery looked at the nursery and hooked her lips: "These are the food of the mites, used to breed adult mites."

The three crossed the nursery and walked into the courtyard.

It is a large piece, like a garden full of lush forests.

There is only one path for one person to pass.

On both sides of the trail, the road is opened, and the net-like net made of white hemp rope is tightly blocked.

Through the net-shaped hemp rope, the night clears the dense garden, and there are thousands of worms crawling and crawling.

"Be careful, don't touch the insect nets on both sides." Miao Wei warmly reminded that there is no shelf for the saints. "Sorry, let you come to such a dangerous place. Just... I want to talk to you, don't want to The fourth person knows."

"It doesn't matter." The night cleared his eyes and swept over the squirming mites. "It’s not bad to come here for a long time."

The night fell and talked, the eyes have been studying the insect net, how to block the locusts to climb out.

I didn't pay attention to my feet for a while.

Stepped on a branch that spread from the insect net.

At night, the whole person fell down and the whole person fell forward...

She reacted faster.

Helpless this path is too narrow, she has nothing to support, and is more worried about tearing down the surrounding insect nets.

I thought that I would fall to the ground.

Just, the next moment.

The night fell and felt a tight waist.

Immediately, it is the breath of man sandalwood.

She crashed into the chest of Emperor Xu Xuan.

The two stood firm.

At night, I was relieved, and I looked up and thanked me.

But I saw the man's white lips tight, and the mask covered half of the scorpion, as if to bear something.

(End of this chapter)

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