Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2713: You still give Miss Miao Da to us, Miao.

Chapter 2713, you still give Miss Miao Da to us, Miao.

The elders' eyes quickly looked at the nursery.

In my eyes, I am full of ecstasy.

The virgin finally spoke!

The virgin finally took the initiative to keep Miao Miao Da!

The elders of the judges were the first to jump out: "Right right, the saints have not said that they must force Miss Miao to leave the Miao! Night girl, you will return Miao Miao to the Miao!"

As she said, she grabbed Miao Yiyi’s wrist and pulled her back to the selection platform.

Miao Yiyi: "..." She really didn't know when she was so popular.

Re-standing on the selection platform, facing the nursery again.

Miao Yiyi's mood is somewhat complicated.

She squinted and stared at the faceless face of Miao, and looked at it for a long while.

Neither of them broke the silence at this time.

Miao Yiyi's brows are tighter, and she looks at the night under the selection stage.

However, I saw that the night has turned and turned back to the side of the emperor.

Notice the gaze she delivered.

The night was clear and lifted, and she showed a smile of evil at her.

Miao Yiyi's pupil trembled.

I suddenly understood.

in fact……

Early in the night, she saw that her heart was unwilling.

I saw that she wanted to prove her strength.

I saw that she did not want to give up the position of the Virgin.

The night fell out of the special, not really want to take her to leave the Miao.

Instead, tell her to choose a path that she really wants to go.

Miao Yiyi's eyelids, once again reddish.

The eyelashes are wet.

The warmth in my heart, like great courage, inspired her.

Miao Yiyi gradually became tough, and there was no more confusion or concession.

"The saint."

She spoke again, and the voice was calm as water, not ill: "I misunderstood you, I apologize."

The nursery, who was always calm, looked at the time when he heard this sentence.

The nursery's hands were stiff on the table.

Eyes, staring at Miao Yiyi for a moment.

It seems that I can't believe that Miao Yiyi would apologize to her. !

"Sorry, Xu is too deep for my misunderstanding, so that as long as you appear, I feel that you may want to target me." Miao Yiyi said the next sentence, but the flame that ignited the nursery heart, extinguished .

The light that shines in the eyes of the nursery is gradually dimming.

Miao Yiyi’s tone of speech is still calm: “Since the saints do not want to use power for personal gains, then...what is the meaning of the saints who intervene in the selection of the saints?”

The dawn of the nursery, a few faint flashes.

The elders began to smash again.

They really can't understand, what is the complicated relationship between the virgin and the candidate of the saint.

Why, will it be so stiff?

The virgin does not speak.

The female candidate did not speak.

They don't know what to say.

Is it so quiet that I have been waiting for the strange atmosphere of these two people, and eased?

They can wait.

Guests who participate in the Saint Secession Grand Prix will not wait!

When you are full of heart.

The nursery finally spoke up: "I am coming, just want to see the future Miao women, so that ... can be assured, flying up the Three Realms."

The last five words, she paused for a long time before she said it.

Miao Yiyi’s dawn has also changed a little.

Floating for a while.

Once again, it is calm.

In the eyes, there is also a hint of swarf.

The nursery noticed her eyes, twisted her eyebrows and explained: "I don't want to fly too, just... time is up, I..."


[Updated today, what?]

(End of this chapter)

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