Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2707: Are you bribing the deity, or do you want to kiss the deity in the name of brib

Chapter 2707 is that you bribe the deity, or do you want to kiss the deity in the name of bribery?

The nursery raised her hand.

The judge's elders, in the throat, did not dare to continue.

The nursery was very emotional. She didn't quite understand her emotions. The eyebrows were calm: "What does she mean, this holy woman is very clear."

The elders of the judges trembled.

Is this a sorrow for the maiden?

He opened his mouth and wanted to plead for Miao Yiyi.

When he was able to talk to the nursery, he couldn’t say anything.

Not only is the judge's elders panicked.

Other elders, this time is also a panic.

The Miao people are so prone to such a talented teacher!

Without any special training, it has already reached this level!

If it is a good training, in time, Miao Yiyi must be the first teacher of the Miao!

Beyond the existence of countless elders and even the Virgin!


At present, Miao Yiyi is only relying on the identity of his own Miao nationality.

If the virgin adult wants the life of Miao Yiyi.

It is simply a breeze!

They are not willing to lose such a nursery genius.

But they did not dare to offend the Virgin.

Just as the elders were in a hurry, they thought about the words, and they wanted to open their mouths for Miao Yiyi.

Miao Yiyi not only did not have the meaning of fear, but instead revealed a completely different arrogance from the usual, sneer and continued to provoke: "So, the saints think, what do I mean?"

"Miao Yiyi!" The judge's old man was so angry that he couldn't make a steel. "You shut me up! You know, who is this person in front of you!"

Miao Yiyi snorted, and the coldness of her eyes spread her whole body.

She stared at the nursery that was always calm and calm, and the waves in her eyes rushed.


Miao Yiyi's look, the night at the seat is clear, and it is very clear.

She sneered at her, and raised her eyebrows: "Iyi and Miao women are old knowledge?"

"And, there are grudges." The man's low voice floated overhead.

I got a response from the man, and the night fell and I was flattered, and immediately raised my small head.

Her eyes were almost stuck to the half of the chin exposed by Emperor Mo.

White skin, smooth lines.

The red lips are like to lure her.

Before the beauty of the color, the night eyebrows are dyed with a touch of gorgeous colors: "Dear dear, the Emperor knows their grievances?"

"Know how, don't know how?" Di Mo Xuan coveted, looking at the girl who smiled like a cat in the arms, the light is not consciously soft.

The night is clear and the flirtatiousness is even more bent: "If you know, I can make a small bribe and kiss the deity, and tell me secretly inside the curtain?"

“What bribe?” The emperor’s Xuan Xuan’s bottom flickering and shining.

At night, the slender fingers lifted up and clicked on the lips of his own lips: "A beautiful kiss, accept this bribe?"

Emperor Xu Xuan's black and dark, thin lips, like a smile: "Is you bribing the deity, or want to borrow the name of the bribe, kiss the deity?"

"Everything is there." The night was clear and smiled like a flower, and one hand hooked the neck of Emperor Xu Xuan. "So, what about the Emperor of the Emperor?"

The delicate face of the girl is reflected in front of her eyes.

Emperor Xu Xuan only felt that his throat was tight, and he controlled his bow and kissed her.

Then, it was very boring, not talking.

The night fell to understand what he meant.

Slowly prop up the body and print your own lip.

She kissed her hard, until her nose was filled with his taste, and then let go of his neck.


[Updated today~ See you tomorrow. 】

PS: The babies are very strong. This week, the recommended ticket has broken through the 1600+ mark. For a long time, there are so many votes for it. On the next Thursday and Friday, the two will take time to add more to you. !

(End of this chapter)

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