Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2665: Who injured the messenger of the palace

Chapter 2665 Who Injured the Messenger of the Palace

At the horizon, thick ink rolls and black fog surges.

Gradually, a black car seat fell from the sky.

Around the sedan, there are four beautiful women with the same style and dark Guards.

The black yarn floats and the figure inside the car is looming.


The sedan landed, the majestic momentum, spread overwhelmingly.

The atmosphere in the ceremony has become extremely solemn and solemn.

At this moment, the guests were even breathing, and they were somewhat cautious.


Is this the second house of the Dark Palace?

Everyone was shocked by the gas field of the Second House.

However, the focus of the night clearing, but not at all on the second house.

She smirked and looked at the guards who had smashed the ground for a moment.

The movements of these guards are too neat.

At the beginning, there was no sorrow in the island of God. It was because the triplets had the same mind and could do the same.

But these guards...

Even since I was a child, I have been trained together.

It is impossible to really do it, no difference?

Moreover, their voices sounded... extremely rigid.

It is more blunt than the stereotype of Mo Zhenying.

There is a weird feeling that can't be said.

These guards...

I am afraid it is true, what secrets are hidden.

"I heard that some people are in the Miao nationality, insulting the messenger of my dark palace." The woman's cold voice, with a special sense of fox.

A white hand like a jade, picked up a black yarn on the car.

Immediately, I saw a woman dressed in a dark robes and dressed up, and walked out.

The woman took a black veil and only revealed the eyes that looked like foxes.

This woman, full of temperament, is the son of the genius of the natural fox.

The fascination of the complete posture of Mei and Mei is not a grade!

The guests present, Rao is a woman, who was taken care of by the second house of the dark palace.

The second housekeeper walked down the car, and the beautiful maid behind him went forward.

The main steps of the second house are elegant, elegant and generous, and the eyes of the souls are swept away. I don’t know when, lying on the side of the car, Mei and Yan Zhenfei: "Who hurts the messenger of the dark palace?"

The singer's voice is soft and soft.

It's like a normal inquiry.

But everyone knows that this is just an illusion.

The more beautiful the thrilling woman.

The more dangerous it is.

In particular, it is still such a powerful and glamorous woman with such a noble status...

It is even more dangerous and cannot be touched at all!

Under the strong pressure, everyone brushed their eyes and looked at the night.

The eyes of the second house of the main house were bent and followed the eyes of everyone.

The four eyes are right.

The second house of the second house flashed lightly and smiled. "I don't know why the girl is going to hurt the messenger of the palace?"

The voice of the second house is very soft.

I can't hear a half point at all, but I want to find a fair meaning for my own messenger.

The night was clear and charming, and the smile was evil: "Don't defend."

"So, is the messenger of the palace, the first mover?" The second house chief licked the **** and continued to laugh.

"Who is the first mover, is it important?" The night fell to the face of the second house of the smiling face of the tiger, there is no interest.

The second house of the Lord is not angry, but agrees with the nod: "It does not matter."

You can say a word to me.

I will see all the guests around me.

In accordance with the normal plot development.

Shouldn't it be done directly, is it right?

Why did you start talking calmly? !


[Today's update is complete, I have to adjust the fine steel behind to continue writing, baby good night~]

If the babies are out of date, the ink lord will give you Amway a good looking text~

The new book of "Little Amateur": "Feng Yu Tianxia: Supreme Shenhuang": Crossing into waste, being taken away by air, eating and squatting, drinking water squatting, walking and falling, should you be unlucky? What kind of joke? ! She has always been the only one who has made her unlucky.

Whose pit products can definitely guarantee, like you can collect fat, what?

(End of this chapter)

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