Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2662: Guest suspicion

Chapter 2662 The guest's suspicion

"Okay, let her go, it's not impossible." The night is clear, the answer is very simple, and the eyebrows are full of smiles.

She raised her eyebrows and her eyes were narrow and curved, which made her show some evil.

Sun Yutong’s glimpse, it seems that I didn’t expect the night to be so good to say: “You, what do you want to do?!”

The night was just a smile, and it was low, looking at the veil, but could not cover her pale face, and asked with a smile: "Is the messenger wanting to live?"

miss you!

She naturally wants to live!

Who doesn't want to live?

She has done so much hard to survive.

Even at all, he sold everything about himself.

How could she not want to live?

However, Yan Zhenfei is very clear.

Night clearing will not make her alive... at least, she won't let her live easily.

How urgent is the heart.

Yan Zhenfei finally just squinted and looked at her calmly: "Your purpose."

At night, raise your eyebrows and look at the direction of the guards: "Command them, leave the Miao."

The glimmer of the Philippine Philippine flashed, and the body shivered for a while.

She bit her lip, "No!"

"Oh?" The night fell and I was charming and laughed.

While smiling, the thin five fingers tightened.

The night falls and laughs.

The smile is gentle and the eyebrows are calm.

It’s not like someone who is killing people by hand.

Yes, from the strength of Yan Zhenfei’s struggle, and the voice that can’t be opened...

All confirmed.

It’s true that the night is clear, and it’s going to kill Yan Fei.

"No... no!" Sun Yutong was in a hurry.

The messenger of the Dark Palace is the only one she relies on now.

If Yan Zhenfei is dead.

Who will bear the anger of the dark palace?

Is it falling at night?

Do not……

The night is not only the people around you, but also noble and powerful.

The night falls on her own, is a powerful, fundamentally unpredictable person!

The dark palace is absolutely... absolutely will take the Sun family out!

"Don't?" The night falls and the strength of the fingers is really loose.

Then, smiling and looking at the real Philippine, escaped from the robbery, the big mouth gasping wolverine look.

She laughs but she doesn't reach her eyes.

“What do the messengers think?” she asked with a chuckle.

It’s hard to tell the truth, and then escape the pain of suffocation.

When I heard the night falling, the body of Yan Feifei trembled.

I want to speak, but I am afraid of the pain of the talent.

Yes, the night falls and there is no time to hesitate to tell the truth.

The night fell and bent and bowed: "What? Or are you unwilling to evacuate those guards?"

She pouted, her eyes narrowed, and the straight guards shook her head. "You, the messenger, are really shackles, and even your subordinates are not willing to save you... So, even if you What are the meanings of these guards and the Miao people?"

The sound of the night is not small.

The guests are also erecting their ears, and they can’t wait to hear these gossips.

After listening to the night after the fall.

The guests are all stunned.

"Speaking... the messenger of this dark palace seems to be really...somewhat strange!"

"To the right, always feel the guard of the dark palace, and never put her life in the eyes! How can there be guards, so ignore the life of their own master?"

"I found out something wrong early in the morning, but I didn't dare to say it! Didn't you feel it? From the beginning, the messenger could not call these guards. Until she moved out of the dark palace, these guards only acted... ”

"It seems that only the lady of the Sun family, and the girl of the Mei, are constantly touting. But the guards of the dark palace do not mean to regard her as the master."



[A bit of a card, see you at 11:30, what?]

(End of this chapter)

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