Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2655: You absolutely can't take it, it belongs to me.

Chapter 2655, you absolutely can't take it, it belongs to me.

The people she cares about are her scales.

Can't tolerate anyone, say the last sentence, bad words.


Is to compare her brother to a dog!

This slap, the extreme force of the cockroach.

Even if Yan Zhenfei is veiled, it is not difficult to see that her face is already red and swollen.

"You...you are arrogant!" Sun Yutong saw his eyes and could not help but widen his eyes with horror.

Actually... actually someone dares to say goodbye to my sister?

Sister, but the messenger of the dark palace!

That night is not afraid of revenge in the dark palace? !

"Let's let go?" The night cleared his eyebrows, and the evil smile looked at her. "Is this called arrogant? More arrogant, you haven't seen it yet..."

Sun Yutong was scared by her eyes and stepped back a few steps.

At this moment, I don’t know when, the plum that has already rushed over, struggling to fall to the night.

She ignored the mess, and the whole body fluttered in the middle of the night.

Immediately, Mei turned her head and rushed to the guard of the row of dark palaces behind her. She shouted: "What are you doing there? Seeing that your master has been bullied by a small monk, don't know how to do it?!"

As he said, Mei used his body to separate the distance between Yan Fei and the night.

Immediately, one force, both hands tightly wrapped around the night.

Yan Zhenfei took the opportunity to retreat.

Retired from the attack range of the night.

Her body was swaying and swaying.

Sun Yutong immediately stepped forward to help her, whispered: "Sister, you are fine..."

Yan Zhenfei clutched Sun Yutong’s arm tightly and stabilized his figure.

Her eyebrows were gloomy, she didn't look at Sun Yutong, but she stared straight at the direction of the night.

Mei’s sudden attack was unexpected to the night.

When the night fell, there was no reaction, and Mei’s arms slammed.

The whole person, who was thrown back, took a few steps back.

At night, I screwed my eyebrows and lifted my hand to buckle Mei’s wrist, trying to pull her away.

Mei is biting his teeth and adding gravity.

Continue to drink while screaming: "The messenger, fast! Command your guard, start!"

Yan Zhenfei, a gaze, looked at the dozens of people, dressed in black robes, chest and sleeves, embroidered a large "secret" word guards.

She rubbed her lips and the light flashed a bit.

She seemed to understand the meaning of Mei and turned to be firm: "A few of you, are you not going to pass, take the little monk who does not put the dark palace in his eyes?"

The dozen or so escorts, all brushed their eyes, moved to Yan Zhenfei.

Yan Zhenfei’s face sneered and sneered: “If the secret palace is damaged, do you take it?”

The dozens of guards heard the words, all of them were shocked.

Immediately, quickly go in the direction of clearing the night.

Yan Zhenfei's eyes, passing a sneer sneer.

Those guards took a shot, and the night's clear air felt the surrounding air, which formed an extremely strong pressure.

Her face changed slightly.

I want to go out and avoid the pressure.

Waist, but the hands of the plum, tightly entangled.

"Let's let go!" The night cleared the eyebrows and forced the hand to go to the plum.

Mei Na’s beautiful and charming face has become distorted.

She was hoarse and sneer, and she couldn't help but sneer: "The night falls, as long as you hold you, I still have a chance! You can't take anything that belongs to me!"

Wherever the night falls, I will not see Mei’s plan.

(End of this chapter)

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