Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2653: Best to pray, always protect your companions!

Chapter 2653 is best to pray and protect your companions at all times!

Sun Yutong is anxious, biting his teeth: "The night falls, what you said is ridiculous! The dark palace will be directed at you, to control what rumors and public opinion? You think, what are you?"

She followed, and quickly continued: "Further, why do you have a lot of rumors? Is it because your own character has problems?

It is a fact that you are abandoned by the Emperor.

It is also true that you are swaying with the so-called fiance.

This is how long it has been abandoned by the Emperor, so I found a good home, and I have a fiancé... This is not a watery poplar. What is it? ”

Sun Yutong’s words made the surrounding guests nod and agreed.

At night, the corners of the falling mouth raised a faint cold arc, like laughing, but not reaching the bottom of the eye. There was a dead silence between the eyebrows.

"Yeah, I am also very curious. It sounds like it is going to blow up the dark palace of the sky. Why do you want to target such a weak woman to me? Or use such a mean way."

It’s very doubtful to touch the squat of the night, and look up and talk to the true Philippine: “Yes... girl, what do you say?”

That word of "word" has just been exported.

Yan Zhenfei’s body is suddenly stiff.

After falling in the night, it will be after the sound.

The face under the veil is a haze.

Damn monk!

At night, she thought she grabbed her handle!

Can you arbitrarily be in front of her, is it arrogant?

Also trying to use this secret to threaten her? !


She will never let the night fall, there is a chance to tell the secret!

The strong killings are fleeting.

真真菲's eyebrows have restored her pride: "Before today, the messenger did not know you at all! The dark palace will never be made, this kind of insulting dark palace!"

The night cleared and heard the words "噗哧" and laughed out: "That... the girl can be sure that the people around you will not use the dark palace to control public opinion?"

As she smiled, she gaze at it, not far away, and she was screaming and tidying up her own plum.

Yan Zhenfei’s sight was also seen.

When she was on the phone, her face was slightly white.

The close five fingers can not help but tighten a few points.

The night fell and continued to laugh: "After all, the girl is not the first time, being treated as a shackle, isn't it?"

The words are really tempered and trembling.

The dialogue between the two of them is not too small.

Onlookers, seeing the truth of the Philippine in the face of the night of the speculation, there is no rebuttal.

One by one, I also looked at Mei.

They are not fools.

Even if it is easy to wave, it is not a wave of no reason.

After all, the night was cleared by the Emperor.

Almost on the mainland of Beibei, it was rumored for nearly a month.

If someone behind you is deliberately guiding.

This matter will never be discussed hot.

Nowadays, the default of Yanzhenfei confirms the night’s fall...

This rumor and paradox is related to the dark palace.

The night fell and continued to laugh: "As for my character, there is no problem, this is not something that the girl and Miss Sun are worried about."

Sun Yutong’s face is also a bit white.

After the gaze of the night.

She is also subconscious, hiding behind the words.

Yan Zhenfei tightened his fists, and his face under the veil was a bit of a red-hot.

"Night... you are really good."

She gritted her teeth and smashed it out one word at a time: "You better pray, you can protect your gang... companion!"


【Chapter Four. See you at five o'clock, ask for a ticket, ask for a monthly pass, and ask for a book review! 】

(End of this chapter)

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