Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2645: Those who are not qualified do not match

Chapter 2645 Those who are not qualified do not match

Immediately, the elders of Miao Er gathered in front of Yan Zhenfei and smiled charmingly: "My brother, the brain is stupid, the adult is a big man, and you don't care about him."

After a pause, he glanced at the right seat and lowered his voice and asked: "I am stupid, according to the meaning of the adult, what should I do?"

Yan Zhenfei took her inscrutable posture and raised her head high.

It seems that even the elders of the Miao nationality have said that they have lost her identity.

The face of Miao Er’s elders is a bit embarrassing.

However, I still have to maintain a smile on my lips.

Sun Yutong got the eyes of Yan Zhenfei and arrogantly opened his mouth: "It’s no wonder that you Miao people have been mixing for hundreds of years, they are still just a small force. With such a simple question, I still use my sister, I will tell you clearly... These people Since you are not qualified to sit in this seat, just leave it!"

The elders of Miao Er’s face were so heavy that he was white-browed and stared at the direction of the right seat for a moment.

In the ear, there is a voice of innocent voice: "How? Miao Er Elder thinks that Sun’s request is too much?"

Miao Er’s elders had a cold back and slammed straight.

He smiled and shook his head: "It's not too much. Miss Sun said that those who are not qualified are indeed not worthy of sitting in the first row of seats. This is not the rule."

After all, he glanced at the four elders, warning him to be less cautious.

Then, arching his hand to Yan Zhenfei, he walked toward the first row of seats and walked in the direction of night clearing.


It’s natural to notice the big arranging on this side.

Seeing that Zhenfei has not been seated for a long time.

There are also many people who look at them from time to time.

They still don't understand.

This is a true gesture. I want to find trouble.

as expected.

After a while, I saw the elders of Miao Er, and they looked towards them with a gloomy face.

The Elder 2 Miao was first on the side of the ghost Wu, and for a moment.

Then carefully, look at the look of the ghost.

Ghost Wulian’s eyelids were not lifted, but he was carrying a wine glass and drinking himself.

Faceless face, I really can't see the thoughts in my heart.

The elders of Miao Er asked themselves that they could climb the position of the Miao elders.

It has its own set of methods of identifying people.

Yes, when watching the ghosts.

He can't see anything.

On the contrary... by the momentum of the ghosts, the oppressed cold sweats, the legs are soft.

Obviously... Ghost Wu didn’t even look at him!

The elders of Miao Er decisively dismissed the idea of ​​discussing with the ghosts, hardened the scalp, and went straight to the night.

"You, you...you, and you..."

The elders of Miao Er fingered the direction of the night and others, and went down one row. Apart from Ghost Wu and Zou Mo, everyone else was accused.

He waved his hand, and the white robe swayed with the wind, hunting and screaming: "Some of you, sit down!"

After the Miao Er elder finished this sentence, he immediately looked at the ghost Wu.

Seeing ghosts or taking care of themselves.

He secretly sighed.

Fortunately... Fortunately, Ghost Wu does not care about the lives of these people.

It seems that this group of students should be stunned by the dead skin.

Master Ghost Wu is too lazy to care about them, and he is too lazy to pay attention to it, so he has never spoken, explaining that he and these students are actually not familiar at all. !


It must be like this!

Otherwise, how can this group of people sit with Ghost Wu and others.

I have never seen this group of people, and I have had other exchanges with Ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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