Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2607: A force to press the emperor on the door

Chapter 2607, a force, pressed the emperor on the door

Miao Yiyi is not here.

She did not know, what should be used to make the emperor Xuanqing wake up.

Remember the last time.

It was because of her kiss.

Right now, I can only choose to use a kiss once again to awaken the consciousness of Emperor Mo Xuan.

Only by letting Emperor Xu Xuan fight with the centrifugal sputum, can he get rid of the sputum and wake up.

Learn about Emperor Mo Xuan at night.

Naturally, I also know what method to use to inspire the Emperor.

And the most important premise of this approach...

It’s the emperor’s body... I love her body.

And, love her soul.

Even under the erosion of the centrifuge, I forgot who she is.

Also absolutely, not willing to really kill her.

What she relies on is the love of Di Mo Xuan to her.


At the time when the voice of the night fell, the sound just fell.

The look of Emperor Xu Xuan suddenly became dull.

The seemingly awkward peach blossoms have emerged as dangerous cold mans.

This woman, really does not see the coffin does not cry.

"Exciting the law?"

His voice just fell, and his body turned into a residual image.

No one sees when he actually acted.

His people have stood in front of the night.

Close to the close, the man's elegant sandalwood has already broken into the air.

She has long eyes and eyes, and her lips are lightly hooked. The eyebrows are glamorous and enchanting: "Why, don't you?"

The words fell.

She snorted with a painful meal.

The man’s slender fingers did not pity the scent of jade and buckled her squat.

He bowed his head.

The face of Fenghua’s generation is magnified in her harem.

It’s very painful to clear the chin at night, but the smile is still the same, and the corner of the mouth also evokes a very shallow and extremely cold arc.

Facing the face of Di Mo Xuan.

She also does not have the charm of an ordinary woman, close her eyes.

Instead, he used this kind of enchanting gaze and looked at him straight.

Just the lip between the two, just the distance between one finger.

Emperor Mo Xuan suddenly stopped and stopped.

He raised his eyebrows and kept such a close distance, watching her coldly.

The girl is not willing to show weakness and fear.

This scene can be said to be extremely eye-catching.

Male and beautiful women, and the gas field is very strong.

Visually, it creates a very different visual sense.

The two kept this position, about half the time of the incense.

The man's warm breath.

The face that almost cleared the night was stained with his own taste.

She snorted slightly.

Suddenly slammed his head forward.

The hand also gripped the wrist of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Immediately, a force, the Emperor Xuan Xuan on the closed door.

The move to clear the night.

Everyone did not expect it.

Even the emperor Xu Xuan.

There are so many moments of blasphemy.

But, wait for him to be angry.

Oncoming is the unique fragrance of the girl.

The familiar softness fell directly on his lips.

Emperor Xu Xuan's eyes, dark hair Shen.

the second time……

This is his second time, being kissed by this woman!

Aside from everyone: "..."

Holding a big grass!

Clearing is too domineering!

So the queen, it’s so handsome that there are no friends!

The world is so strong to kiss the emperor, it is estimated that only the Queen of the Fall!

The inner world of everyone, the night is clear and unreserved.

She kissed the man's lips hard.

The soft body is pressing him.

One hand, holding his wrist.

There is really one...

Forcing the good looks of a good woman and a man!

The more the kiss, the darker the emperor's black, the more sinking.

He wants to push the night away.

In fact, it is a breeze.

Can be fixed, on the sinister and enchanting charm of the girl.

He was all in the same place, as if he was stiff.


[The list of winning entries for birthday activities is in the top of the book review area. The deadline for receiving the award is November 19th, which is this Sunday, and it is not out of date.]

(End of this chapter)

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