Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2581: So, he doesn't remember me, is it?

Chapter 2581, so he doesn't remember me, is it?

Miao Yiyi downturned her head: "Only the Shenge Pavilion can find a solution to the problem. I... I don't know what other methods are..."

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. If there is a way, then wait." The night cleared and gently patted the shoulders of Miao Yiyi. "A Xuan is waiting for me at the door, and staying there again, he is afraid that he can't help it. I will go out with him first."

Miao Yiyi immediately slipped from the bed.

When the night fell to the door, he suddenly turned his head and looked at her with a smile: "There is a motivation for struggle now, for me, I have to work hard to become a Miao girl."

The last "哟" tone of the auxiliary word, the night is clear and playful.

Miao Yiyi’s original dignified look revealed a smile: “Well! I will work hard!”

The night cleared the door and was thinking about how to appease her family's A Xuan.

Yes, when the eyes fell on the door of the room.

She is stunned.

Where did she let the emperor Xuan stand, and where is the long figure?

"A Xuan?!"

The night cleared and immediately opened, and walked quickly outside the yard.

Is the current Emperor Xu Xuan not very attached to her?


Didn't he wait for her at the door?

Is it... What happened to Ah Xuan?

This idea made the heart of the night clear and stunned.

The speed at the foot is also faster.

When I rushed to the yard, I was still sitting there.

Each face has a bit of strangeness that cannot be said.

There was no thought in the night, and the eyes fell on the side of the ghost, the familiar figure.

The hanging heart was finally put down.

Fortunately, he is fine.

"A Xuan, why don't you wait for me?" She raised her smile and flew to Emperor Xu Xuan, opened her arms and wrapped his waist.

"Clear, wait..."

Someone next to what I want to say.

When the night falls, it will still feel the temperature of men in the future.

Her shoulders were violently held down by people.

Immediately, a vigorous pull, she pulled away.

"A Xuan!" The night cleared and slammed, the strength of the shoulder was great, and her face was slightly white.


The cold voice floated down from the top of the head.

The man’s faint gaze, sweeping through the night, coldly and coldly: “Who are you, dare to call the name of the deity so!”

The body that fell clear at night, suddenly stiffened.

She looked up slyly and looked at the man in front of her eyes.

It is still the face of Fenghua.

Still like the temperament of God.


His momentum, everything about him is different.

Especially the pair... look at her on weekdays, all gentle and awkward peach blossoms.

At this time, it is a cruel evil.

The peach blossoms are still smashing, and they are...very fascinating.

Look, indifferent as ice.

浑 浑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

When he looked at her.

In the eyes, it is strange.

The heart that cleared the night, slammed and pumped.

"This is... what happened?" She looked at the ghost, and the heart hurts tightly.

It’s such a gaze...

Let her not stand...

"Centrifugal 蛊." Ghost Wu spit out three words.

Centrifugal 蛊...

Centrifugation, is this an episode?

Is this... centrifugation?

The night cleared the barley, slightly shrinking.

Looking at the face of Emperor Mo Xuan, he floated a circle of red.

She licked her lips and her voice was a little dumb: "So, he doesn't remember me, isn't he?"

"The emperor, the emperor, loves you so much, loves you... I will remember..." The words were on the side, carefully opening their mouths.

On one side, she quietly looked at the face of Emperor Xu Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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