Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2561: What is the relationship between Emperor Zun and Miss Miao?

Chapter 2561 The relationship between Emperor Zun and Miss Miao Da?

Miao Zhengwei's remarks, but also the person inside is sitting on the emperor!

Emperor Zun and Miss Miao have this relationship...

It also means that since then, the Miao people have had the shelter of the emperor!

Who dares to easily offend the nursery family?

Immediately, everyone was busy, and also stopped Yin Yanxiu: "Yin Shaozong, Master Miao Er said that it is correct. At this time, you must not bother, if you let the inside... the inside is bad, Let's all... we can't eat and walk."

The expression on Yin Yan’s face is gloomy and terrible.

The warm eyebrows are also covered with a layer of ice.

He is like a thick ink, dark and tight: "Miao Er's young master is so determined, the people inside are the emperor, how do you think this young master, you deliberately want to guide us to think that the person inside is the emperor? After all, we Everyone can't really ask, the relationship between Emperor Supreme and Miss Miao, isn't it?"

When the last three words spit out.

Under the invisible pressure of Yin Yanxiu, Miao Zhengwei had a feeling of soft legs.

He breathed a little chaos: "I didn't deliberately guide! The people inside are the emperor's adults! When the Emperor of the Emperor saw the first look of Rong Rong, he fell in love with Rong Rong, otherwise... Rong Rong could not In the face of so many people, repeatedly hot face to paste cold ass!"

After saying a few words, Miao Zhengwei said that the more confident he is.

Even the Emperor, you can't escape the control of the ancestors' taboos!

The people inside are the Emperor of the Emperor!

Yin Yanxiu did not believe that the Emperor would do such a thing.

However, Miao Zhengwei’s tone is so calm.

He did not know how to refute it for a while.

Miao Zhengwei's determination and self-confidence have made the people of all parties confident in the close relationship between Di Mo Xuan and Miao Rongrong.

Everyone laughed at Miao Zhengwei, and he became more and more gentle.

Several people yelled at Yin Yanxiu and whispered: "There are few lords, no matter who is inside, we shouldn't bother to disturb. Let's leave here first... If it's really made people discover it, it's bad, let's all It’s a man who knows what it’s like and it’s very uncomfortable.”

Miao Zhengwei was revered and pleased by all the people, making it a heart-wrenching and more smug.

These people, just to hear that the Emperor and their Miao Miss have such a relationship, are so respectful.

In the future, when I watched the Emperor of the Emperor respecting them, they would like to treat them as gods.

"Yin Shaozong, I know that you have a good relationship with the night girl, but...the man is a wife and a wife, isn’t it a normal thing? A man who is as good as the Emperor, is only the Ms. Miss Miao. ""

Miao Zhengwei smiled proudly: "Yin Shaozong, your emotions are so unstable, or leave first, don't disturb the interest of Emperor Zun, after all... Emperor is still in Rong Rong's bedroom, I will not come out for a while..."

He stretched his voice.

Caused everyone to nod and wait.

More forceful swearing Yin Yanxiu, I am afraid to disturb the Emperor.

Yes, just when everyone pushes and squats, when you want to leave...

I heard a clear and beautiful voice, with a smile of voice, leisurely sounded: "Are you talking about A Xuan?"

The sweet voice of the girl, with a hint of doubt: "A Xuan in Miss Miao Da's room?"


[Supplement yesterday update~ still a chapter, eat a nightingale and continue to make up~]

(End of this chapter)

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