Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2539: Very disappointed, you, too low.

Chapter 2539 is very disappointing, you are too low.

Fingers, touching Miao Rongrong, there is a distance between the fists.

Behind him, I felt the change and fluctuation of the airflow.

She did not look back.

Instead, the corner of the mouth provokes a sinister smile, some ridiculous.


Only heard, extremely slight, something broke through the sound of the air.

Immediately, it is the painful snoring of Miao Yixiong.

She frowned slightly.

There is no perception behind it, the imaginary, the sense of crisis that comes to her.

I am going to look back.

Her ears are sensitive.

That is about to touch the hand of Miao Rongrong, the five fingers suddenly fluttered, a red feather fan, suddenly spread in her palm.


The sound of weapons colliding is extremely crisp.

The fan-shaped fan in the hands of the night cleared, and it happened to be blocked, a sharp dagger.

She was slightly lifted, and she was full of shock and incredulous eyes on Miao Rongrong.

At night, the eyes cleared like a torch, and the hooks looked into the eyes of Miao Rongrong.

The narrow and long-lasting charm overflows with a meaningful smile.


Miao Rongrong clearly looks at it, the scent of the girl's lips is a chilling chill.


She was so open that she couldn't believe that the night fell in the face of a dying man, and she remained so keen.

I can't believe that my own plan that I have never lost is actually seen through the night.

“Is it very unexpected?” The night was light and laughter, the sound was dull, and the face was still beautiful.

The more so, the more the heart of Miao Rongrong seems to be caught by something, like being torn into pieces.

Frightening, chilling.

The night fell and continued to smile, five fingers and one move.

The red feather fan in the hand is like a flame, turning in the palm of your hand.

Miao Rongrong only felt that the hand holding the dagger had a sting.

The dagger in her hand fell on her bed.

At the same time, the night clearing will close the flame fan, a flip, a sharp sharp edge, sliding out of the fan handle.

It is cold and sharp, shining with the sharp edge of Mori, and it is attached to the neck of Miao Rongrong.

Immediately, the night fell to the side and looked behind.

Sure enough, Miao Yixiong wandered on the ground, vomiting blood.

And the emperor Xu Xuan, arrogant and elegant standing on the side, such as Mo Yan's deep eyes, staring deeply at her.

See her side.

The chilly lines on the man's face softened.

He hooked his thin lips and looked at him.

"You two... I knew from the beginning... I know..." Miao Yixiong coughed, and her mouth was still covered with blood, and she stood up.

"Well, we know." The night fell to the ground, and there was a graceful smile in the eyebrows. "To tie with you, just want to see you, what kind of advanced tricks you can play."

When the words paused, her smile became sloppy, and she smiled and twitched her lips: "But... very disappointing, your technique is too low."

Miao Yixiong is iron-blue, full of haze, and there is still a kind of kindness before.

狰狞 Twisted, terrible.

At night, she looked down and looked pale. She couldn't believe the Miao Rongrong who had a complete apostasy with her plan. She moved the flame fan in her hand.

The sharp edge of the blade between the Miao Rong and the neck, draws a small trace.

Blood, poured out.

Miao Rongrong was shocked and shivered. His eyes were wide and terrified, but he did not dare to speak and shouted a half sentence.

"What does Miao Yixiong want to do?" Miao Yixiong, who stood in the night and looked at the emperor, and looked at his body and staggered, was curious about their plans.

"Squat." The man spoke quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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