Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2531: Low-energy stuff, don't play in front of me

Chapter 2531 Low-energy gadgets, don't play in front of me


Miao Rongrong found that his situation at this time was almost the same as not wearing it.

Especially the water drops that are still falling down.

Instead, there is a different kind of temptation.

There are already a lot of men, with a bad eye, the red fruit staring at her delicate body.

Looking like a fire, it seems to have seen through her a few layers of wet and thin clothes.

She screamed and wanted to cover herself.

I haven't had time to lift it.


A slap, fell on the face of Miao Rongrong.

This slap, full of strength.

After a while, Miao Rongrong’s face was already red and swollen.

This slap also smashed Miao Rongrong, and even forgot his own movements.

The excitement of sucking in the air around, so that Miao Rongrong recovered some reason.

Before I had time to open it again, Miao Rongrong felt a sharp pain in her chest.

She was kicked.

The whole person was hit by a powerful impact and flew out.

“噗通”, Miao Rongrong fell in the pool.

Splashes of countless splashes.

Miao Rongrong was uncomfortable with the water, and he wanted to get out of the water.

Can only be cleared by the night, the limbs can not make a little effort.


She wants to ask for help, but she is only being poured into the pool of water.

Miao Rongrong can almost feel that his consciousness has gradually drifted away.

"Rong Rong!" Miao Yixiong's eyes widened and rushed to the poolside, watching the daughter who had stopped struggling in the water, looking pale.

Looking around, the few people who had saved Miao Rongrong once had no plans to save the people.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he jumped into the water and gave Miao Rongrong to the shore.

Just to go ashore, the pavilion's head is a lightly floating voice: "Since the Miao and Miao Da are so fond of underwater activities, the deity will satisfy both your father and daughter, soak in the water for two hours. ”

Miao Yixiong’s action on the shore.

Miao Rongrong, who was on the shoulder, was also scared to squirt a mouthful of water.

Looking at the two people in the water, there is no trace of temperature on the night, and the coldness is cold and cold: "If it is me, I will do this, do you know?"

She clapped her hands and seemed to be dirty and took a handkerchief and rubbed it.

The spin is about to be handcuffed and thrown directly into the face of Miao Yixiong.

A flying body, once again returned to the arms of Emperor Xu Xuan.

She relied on Emperor Mo Xuan, a long and narrowly charming, flashing the cold mang: "Miao Yixiong, Miao Rongrong, this kind of low-energy stuff, don't play in front of me, otherwise... next time, A Xuan's words Will become a reality."

She sneered, pulling the hand of Emperor Xu Xuan, and turned and walked away: "A Xuan, let's go back to the yard, stand here, I think we are particularly down."

Emperor Mo Xuan slightly decapitated, and fell side by side with the night, leaving the back garden.


When Yin Qinghao rushed in.

Emperor Xu Xuanhe’s night has already left.

In the pool water, the two people who were soaking, looked pale and blue, and kept shaking.

The people around me, standing by the pool, are pointing at something that seems to be mocking.

Yin Qinghao immediately walked over, greeted the man, and went down to fishermen and fathers and daughters.

The people on the shore immediately intercepted: "Yin Zongzhu, the Emperor of the Emperor personally commanded, let the father and the daughter take two hours in the water to come out."

Yin Qinghao glanced at the two people in the pool.

Miao Yixiong has to look at the already weak and weak Miao Rongrong, but also to stabilize his body shape in the water, already pale and pale.

I heard the explanation from the shore people.

His face is more and more dull.

There is a haze and killing in the bottom of my eyes.


[Updated~ What?]

(End of this chapter)

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