Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2289: The secret can not be leaked too~

Chapter 2289, the secret can not be leaked too ~

At this time, the protagonist of the city of Joy City is sitting in an extremely luxurious room.

At night, the lazy leaning against the wall, the plain white hand, holding a white jade wine glass.

She lazily took a sip of the wine in her mouth and slowly licked her eyes as if she were enjoying it.

"Clear, your portrait has spread throughout the northern continent, you are sure now... are you not going to go out?" A woman's voice of Qingling came from the opposite side of the night.

At night, the eyes cleared and opened, and the singer swept over the woman, and looked up at herself with a leisurely drink, and drank a glass of wine: "Don’t worry."

"You are not in a hurry, I can be anxious!" The woman rolled her eyes and poured her body down on the back of the chair. "The generals of the Warlord and the General's wife are picking up the door of the three thousand branches."

"Little peach, don't panic." The night was lazy and put down the glass, and the soft body fell on the table.

Such as silky blue silk, spread down.

The girl who is lining up is not amazing, but it has a beautiful face and a more enchanting style.

Sitting on the opposite side of the night, the woman is the head of the peach blossom three thousand, Tao Tao.

Tao Tao is also a student of Shang Xuan College.

But her reputation of three thousand peach blossoms has already spread out in the whole nirvana.

Regarding the three thousand things in Taohua, Tao Tao can always go to the college for leave whenever he needs it.

The same treatment as the two brothers of Mujia.

After all, Shang Xuan College can receive news from the peach blossoms for three thousand years, the latest situation of the major colleges in Nirvana.

This time, Tao Tao happened to be investigating things in the vicinity of Beibei mainland.

Received a signal bomb call from Miao Yiyi.

Tao Tao came in person.

Unexpectedly, I also encountered a glass cat.

The glass cat is here, and the night is definitely here.


There is now this scene.

At night, I led the glass cat and the gentle dance, and did not hesitate... I lived in the restaurant of Tao Tao.

This restaurant is superficially a restaurant.

But in the basement of the restaurant, it is a branch base of Peach Blossom 3000 in Beibei.

Therefore, the people of the War King House, even the royal family, intervened.

No one can find the existence of the night.

"What the **** are you planning?" The eyes of the peach clearing, blaming the night, and glanced at the night, holding one's chin with one hand.

The night clears the mysterious smile: "The secret can not be leaked too ~"

"You are too!" Sitting on the side, the gentle face that has been cold for a long time, got up and raised his hand and knocked on the head of the night. "I wasted time to spend three days with you here!" Are you in a hurry to find a Miao family, or are you in a hurry? If you don't want to save Longyun Zhan, we will return to Xiqiao mainland now, don't waste everyone's time."

The night was clear and painful, and the head shrank down: "Little dance, don't be so excited, you are not saying, Azhan will not have an accident for at least three months."

"So, are you ready to spend three months?" Jun light dances to her.

At night, the long eyelashes were fanned out, and the suspicion of looking up, staring at the glamorous face of Jun Qingwu: "Little dance, what are you worried about?"

Jun light dance and frown: "I am not worried, just don't want to waste time."

As she spoke, she sat down: "I don't know how you are, how it attracts the eyes of the emperor."

The night falls and smiles: "Because... I have personality charm."

(End of this chapter)

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