Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2284: Not awkward, not poison

Chapter 2284 is not a cockroach, nor a poison

Naturally, General Wang will suspect that this is not an ordinary poison.

If the king of war and the nursery family have a relationship.

Yu Wen’s madness is so strange.

The general of the king of war will certainly think of ... scorpion.

For his own son, General Wang Wang will certainly be from the nursery family, please come to understand the poisonous people.

The night cleared and admitted.

From the beginning, she knew the identity of Yu Wen crazy.

This plan has already been set.

Use the War King House to lead the nursery family.


"Blood smell is so strong?" Miao Rongrong, Miao Miao Miao Miss Miao Rongrong, squinted at the eyebrows, and her face was unpleasant. "Your son, this time, the cockroaches are too big."

"So this time, specially invited Miss Miao Da to leave the village, I hope that Miss Miao Da can replace the dog... Take a look, what is going on here." The war king led Miao Rongrong and went to the lock. In front of the door.

He glanced at the guard at the side: "Open the door."

Inside the house, the woman’s screams and pains are screaming and still ringing.

The guard trembled and touched the key: "The general, the general... The little prince is still... still in full swing, if he opened the door, he injured Ms. Miao Da..."

"It doesn't matter." Miao Rongrong's faint opening, brilliant face, calm.

The guard saw the eye warlord.

When the warlord nodded, he had to press down on the fear in his heart, trembling and opening the door lock.

Miao Rongrong squinted at the blood of the door and quietly pushed open the door.

A strong **** breath, blowing in the face.

The entire bedroom was filled with **** bodies.

Yu Wen madly grabbed a woman, pressed on a stack of corpses, like a beast, sitting in the most primitive swaying action.

The woman has already broken her breath.

"This... this... Miss Miao Da also please forgive me. From yesterday, the dog was taken back to the War King House. He is this look, no one can stop it..." The King of War looked at the change of Miao Rongrong's face, in my heart. There are some embarrassments.

After all, Miao Rongrong is just a young woman of eighteen years.

Have not been allowed to marry.

But I saw such a scene...

Unexpectedly, Miao Rongrong’s face was very calm, and it seemed that he did not take Yuwen’s beastly behavior as one thing.

"Yesterday, at least eight hours or more... Has he been like this?" Miao Rongrong frowned and asked casually.

The king of war nodded.

Miao Rongrong stepped up and wanted to step into the room.

But the blood and body of the land made her recover her foot.

There was a disgusting look on her face.

Wang Wang just wanted to tell people to lead Yu Wen crazy.

But see Miao Rongrong standing at the door and raising his wrist.

Seeing the palm of Miao Rongrong, a worm that was about half a slap in size suddenly appeared.

Miao Rongrong shook his palm.

The worm quickly rushed to the Yuwen mad, and got into it from Yu Wen’s nose.

The heart of the war king is tight: "Miss Miao Da, this..."

"Check your body, there are no other mites." Miao Rongrong explained with impatience.

For a long while, the bug returned to the palm of Miao Rongrong.

The war king immediately asked: "Miss Miao Da, what is the result? Is the dog being poisoned?"

Miao Rongrong touched the back of the worm, the beautiful face, faintly flashed a trace of the same: "No... Little Wang Ye's body, there is no trace of scorpion."

"No?! Then... Is that madness really poisoned?" The king of war changed his face and looked at the Yuwen madness who was still in the house and desperately abused.

"Dr. Liu is not sure, there is no sign of poisoning in Xiao Wangye?" Miao Rongrong put away the locusts. "Not a cockroach, not a poison... Who is the one who started the little lord?"

(End of this chapter)

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