Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2268: Do you look at me like a kind hearted person?

Chapter 2268 Do you look at me like a kind hearted person?

"Furthermore, this woman seems to be too scared, and the heart can't bear it. If it is delayed for a while, it may endanger her life."

After all, this woman is for her, in order to remind her, in order to save her, will come to kill the disaster.

Also for her to lick her head, causing the wound to become inflamed.

If she ignored the woman, it would be too cold and ruthless.

After the wound was treated for the woman, the night cleared and the things were collected.

The glass cat is still angry about the Yuwen madness.

Seeing the night and stopping the things in my hands.

The glass cat put his head on the shoulders of the night, flattened his mouth, and said unhappyly: "Sister, Yu Wen madly dared to tease you! You just let him go so easily?! Do you want cats to go to him tonight? There, give him a paw directly!"

The night was clear of the small head of the glass cat: "Do you think that my sister is kind of kind-hearted person?"

"No." The glass cat answered very decisively.

The night cleared her head and patted her head: "That won't."

"But...but, my sister has let go of Yuwen mad, and he will definitely come to us for trouble!" The glass cat raised his face and squinted at the bright eyes, and looked puzzled at the night.

The night cleared the mysterious smile, and the eyes passed a glimpse: "He is not talking, shouting and thinking 'healing'? I will let him... hurt enough."


Yuwen mad was lifted back by a group of guards.

Those who were carried back, there are Fans who have been completely scrapped.

When the two men were thrown back to the Warlord's House by the wolverines, the little sisters at the gates were stupid.

On weekdays, Xiao Wangye and Fan Jun returned from the outside.

Which time is it not arrogant?

Which time is it not with a "trophy" and returning with full load?

This is the first time... Little prince is being carried back!


There is almost no place in Fan’s body, and it’s intact.

It is **** and scarred, and it is completely a waste.

The entire War King House was shocked by this scene.

For a time, the War King House was a heart-wrenching man, and he took care of Xiao Wangye.

Xiao Wang Ye is the lifeblood of the War King House!

I was taken home by the wounded.

What the generals of War King know...

The entire War King House has to suffer!

However, Yu Wen’s madness was brought back by the people. How could the general of the war king not know?

The generals of the warlords and the generals who got the news rushed back to the palace of the war.

Seeing lying in bed, eyes closed, and the appearance of this obvious bruise on the face.

The general's wife threw herself to the bed, grabbed Yuwen's mad hand, and whispered and whispered.

Yu Wen’s madness fell into a coma and he could not answer the general’s wife.

The general of the king of war glared at the big eyes of the bell, and his eyes were violent: "Who is it! Who dares to hurt the son of the prince! The prince wants the man to pay for it!"

At that time, the guards who followed Yu Wen’s madness and went out of their way were forced to smash at the edge of Yuwen’s door.

Hearing the screams of the generals of the Warlords, they trembled and crouched on the ground.

"My son! You wake up! Mother is here, you wake up, open your eyes and look at the mother!" The general lady grabbed Yuwen's hand and cried desperately.

The forehead of the generals who were crying, the sudden pain of a sudden burst of sudden bursts.

He was upset and yelled: "Shut up! The son is still not dead, crying, crying!"

The general lady grabbed the handcuffs, wiped her tears, and turned her head to the general of the war king: "It's all you! It's all you hurt! If you put the elite soldiers under your hand, arrange it for the madman, when the mad guardian, the madman Will not be bullied!"

(End of this chapter)

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