Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1616: Blood stained seas!

"Too up to the Virgin, you dare to kill me!"

The goddess of Tianshui is desperate, the beautiful head is stained with blood, a generation of beautiful women, a generation of granddaughter, and now the son of Taishang has taken off his head.

The shocking **** picture is fascinating, the Tianshui saint is finished, the head is taken off, she can't live, and no one thinks that at this juncture, the Taisheng Lady will take off her head!

Some people are full of cold, very clear about the events that occurred in the five elements of the treasure, but did not expect the response of the Virgin to be so overbearing, directly removed her head.

"Kill you? What are you afraid? Who do you think you are? The cause and effect cycle!"

The Taisheng Lady smiled softly, but the beautiful smile made the eyes of the Tianshui saints black. Once he helped the Heavenly Master to deal with the Taishen, now she tasted the bitter fruit, madly, and the blood-stained head is straight. Burst!

She would rather be killed by the young demon, and would not fall into the hands of the sacred woman.

Su Yan did not pay attention to the sacred woman. His eyes were on the other strong people of the sacred level. His pupils swayed Jinhui, which was even brighter than the sun.


The three sons of the sages were frightened and fled, and the previous lineups had not been able to suppress Su Yan, not to mention that it was impossible for them to block Su Yan alone, unless they smashed them out!

"Too up to the Virgin!"

At this moment, the distant seas and the wars have attracted people's attention. The world did not expect that Fan Jian's combat power would be strong enough in these fields. In recent years, his growth has been extremely amazing. The hegemony of the hegemony swords is always inspiring. The power of killing!

Fan Jian has a lot of scars on his body. He is faced with the magical power of the sky, not to mention the master of the sky, the strongest state of the sky, the power of the king, the random blow can burst out of boundless Destructive power!

Some of the cruel pictures are that there are some cracks in the fake swords that Fan Jian is in charge of!

This made the heart of the sword squadrons cool, and the tyrants of the tyrannical swords were all blown up. It is unbelievable. What kind of material he used to smash is the material that he is in charge of.

Fan Jian’s heart is bleeding, although the tyrants of the tyrants are not destroyed, but there are many gaps in the shackles, and the degree of sharpness must be greatly reduced.

The face of the Heavenly Master is also somewhat unsightly. I didn’t expect the world’s first sword to be so difficult. I haven’t got rid of him yet. The purpose of this campaign is to kill the young devil. Other things are not in the eyes. Now that he has been blocked, he can't get away with the young devil in a short time.

He also always pays attention to the battlefield. He did not expect to come to the Virgin, and he lost the Tianshui saint. Although the Master of Heaven is very clear that there is hatred between them, but at this juncture, the saints jumped out, what do you mean?

"Don't they..."

The face of the heavenly master is gloomy, and the celestial body rushes out of the blazing glory.


He is awkward and has the power to fight down and must quickly resolve Fan Jian.

"Want to kill me, you still can't!"

Fan Jian is low, and the whole human shell is blasted. His ultimate fighting power is violent, and the tyrannical swords are running to the extreme state. The whole person is like a sword body that destroys the earth and destroys the power of the heavens. !

"Try it, how long can you hold on!"

The main anger is angered, the pupils bloom in icy glory, and the palms suddenly rise to each other, offering a great supernatural powers and hitting Fan Jian!

"Tongtian children, I don't want to kill if you want to kill!"

Fan Jian cold drink, urging the 秘 秘 秘 抗 抗 抗 抗 抗 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , !


A white hand, against the hands of the main hand to Fan Jian, also has a horrible breath, the shock of the heavens and the main footsteps back!

This hit is too sudden, too, the saint is coming, the look is calm, her national color is fragrant, beautiful and suffocating.


The face of the heavenly master is gloomy. For this beautiful woman, she has always been the lady of the house!

But now the situation, the sky is weak, the lungs must burst, she dared to help a man to deal with himself.

"Hey, the sky is the Lord, the woman of my older brother is coming..."

Fan Jian’s eyes turned, the evil voice, the stimulating Tongtian less mad, and the forehead violent violent, he really had some doubts, she and Su Yan had ulterior secrets.

Otherwise how to explain the phenomenon of the beast gloves? When Su Yan grabbed the sacred woman from under her own eyes, what happened to them?

"No matter who she is, she is mine. Anyone who dares to touch her will be killed!"

Tongtian less the main mana, and the day-to-day glory of the day, the sprinkling of a piece of fairy tales, rushed to Fan Jian.

"There is really a good show here..."

The speculators in the distance were excited to talk about it. The Shangri-La’s prince once again shot and killed it. The two great people were together. This is the most decisive battle, no less than the top ten list!

"The strong men of the Son class have been killed, and this battle is going to sensationalize the world. They are all descendants of the Xianmen Taoist system!"

The onlookers were nervous, and the war became more and more fierce.

The sea is stained with blood, and there are too many corpses at the foot of Su Yan!

You must know that these can be the first-class ones, a large number of war dead, blood-stained gold, and the strongest sons of the Sons are killed!


Su Yan waved his fist and swallowed 100,000 miles. The cold, like the hegemonic demon, killed the three great sons who fled.

In the process, Su Yan's speed is too fast, the power of gossip is open, travel time and space, a rush of power, catch up with a saint strong, horrible fists hit up!

"Do not!"

The devastating volatility of the face screamed, and the great educator exclaimed. He tried to compete with all kinds of great powers, but Su Yan’s fists were absolutely grand, overwhelming the starry sky, breaking through various defenses, and hitting him in a physical body. A blood hole!

How strong is he?

The strong man of the Son level, in the state of resurrection, was shot by Su Yan with a fist!

Even he waved his fist for a short time and played a full nine punches. The saint's strong man was terrible, his body collapsed, and he was blown into blood in the endless despair and unwillingness!

A strong son of the Son was directly killed by Su Yan!

He is like a demon in the region, murderous, all this is only a short time, he once again rushed to the other two sons.

"I said, no one can escape!"

Su Yan walks in time and space, and the power of gossip will set off it, and it will be powerful.

A golden hand vacated, lightning covered the heavens, covering the sky!

As the universe opens up, the five fingers are like pillars of the sky, and the law of order is presented. Just as in the creation of the boundless world, it slowly falls down and suppresses the two great sons.

"Stop him...."

The two great sons exclaimed, no big hands, big to no side, shot down.

The hustle and bustle of the ocean blew open, spreading numerous unclear cracks, and the magnificent palm fell from the sky, containing the infinite breath, suppressing the two escaped sons.

They are desperate, this is a powerful mana, letting them surpass the power of the gods, can not support the golden hands of Su Yan, can only watch the big hands fall on their heavenly cover!


A loud bang exploded and it was shocking.

The **** picture is shocking, the two great sons are struggling wildly, all kinds of cards and magical powers bloom, and they can always attack the great power of Su Yan. As the five fingers are close together, it is like a cosmic burst and chaos repeats!

"No, spare me, don't kill me!"

"I am the Son of Heaven, killing me, you will not have a good end!"

The two great sons screamed desperately. They couldn’t escape. The picture was like an eagle catching a chicken. They were shackled by Su Yan’s big hand. Even if these two sons had a hard, star-shaped shell, they were also Su Yan’s. Big hand, ruthlessly smashed!

"You can't live, you have already said it before, dare to kill me, you have to bear the consequences!"

Su Yan was cold and open, and his hands were tight. The two great sons were strong and crushed by Su Yan.

The sky is full of blood and rain, the scene is terrible!

The real tyrants are dying in large numbers, and the blood is dyed in the golden ocean.

Su Yan stood on the battlefield, like the invincible empire's lower bounds, swept the entire battlefield and killed all the enemies!

"Is the devil invincible? The four great sons have been smashed by him. His fighting power is terrible!"

"This terrible lineup has been broken by the young devil. What opportunities did he get in this year? How can it change so much? Even the practice is about to cross the six heavens of true wonderland!"

The onlookers of the distant world were all stunned and cooled from head to toe.

Some people are looking at the figure standing on the blood-stained sea. He is too tall and stalwart, filled with the horror of the world, this is the supreme style of the top master, powerful and suffocating!

"Youth Devil!"

Yin Jun's face is chilly, there is no fear in the pupil, only some are heavy.

This enemy is too strong and must be removed!

At the same time, Su Yan also looked over, and the battle over the ancient ships was extremely fierce. They were all heavy hits, and they were almost exhausted.

Su Yan moved the real anger, and the strength was almost blown up. The iron wings of the **** were broken, and one arm of the tens of arms was smashed!

The horrible picture, the brothers fought for him to kill the enemy, almost all of them went out.


Zhu Yanghua smiled and looked at Su Yandao: "The reason why it is consumed now is not enough for some people who are divided. This group of people is not strong enough, but the group behind them is not weak. If you really kill you, Yan Peng secret Surgery is equal to the public!"

Just after this, Zhu Yanghua's breath is infinitely strong, and the roots of the ancestor of Tianzhu, which is planted in the body, are filled with the radiance of the sky, and the various visions of ignorance, as if running through the universe of the heavens, surging!

"You are dead, the young devil, no matter how strong you are, you are in danger!"

The scent of Yin Junyi is also fierce in a short time, which makes you feel guilty of Yuan. This is the sign that the reincarnation is in bloom, and the 羿 Yuan, who has been exhausted, has signs of old death.

He was low-lying, and the **** of war recovered and forced to escape from the effects of reincarnation.

"They saved the strength..."

Many people are astonished, Zhu Yanghua and Yin Junyi, most of them have the power of young supreme, and even on the ancient ship, there are a large number of strong people watching.

Some people were a little scared of Su Yan, but now the strong atmosphere of Zhu Yanghua and Yin Junyi, so that they have stabilized their minds, this battle has not lost!

"Zhu Yanghua, Yin Junyi, and you guys."

Su Yan cold and indifferent: "Come on!"

When Zhu Qiang’s heart is shocked, does he still have to challenge all? To know the top of the ancient ship, there are nine outstanding descendants of the Xianmen Taoist system.

"Hello big tone!"

Zhu Yanghua cold ice ice road: "Youth devil, you and my grudges should be!"

In an instant, the void in which he is located has collapsed. The flesh is planted in the universe, spewing the light of the heavens, extremely brilliant and embarrassing. Anyone can realize that he has the same supreme power!

"Is stealing the ancestor to the treasure, giving you the invincible belief? You are also competing with me?"

Su Yan’s nephew was cold and strode forward, and his momentum became more and more shocking. He looked down on all the strong men on the ancient ship and said indifferently: “I am still saying that you can’t live!”

Su Yan looked cold and cold, and alone killed the ancient ship, to be alone against all the strong players on the ancient ship!

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