Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1585: Melee saint

The holy fairy, the white skin of the skin, screams and screams.

She was frightened, panicked and unable to remain calm.

The white forehead still ran with blood, but Su Yan’s big hand, along her snowy jade feet, crossed the calf and then spread toward the roots of the thigh...

Too sacred, too shy and angry, did not expect the courage of the young devil will be so big, directly started.

I have to say that the long legs of the holy fairy are white and delicate, like a spring water, fascinating.

Su Yan did not feel the appreciation and exploration of the mystery, he has touched the shirt!

This battle suit and the sacred body of the holy fairy are perfectly integrated, which is equal to her skin. It is not easy to smash it down. Moreover, it is too much to be taught.

This supreme warfare, only the Taiji teaching of the past is the only one who is qualified to wear. Since she got the shirt in advance, she can see how much attention and trust she has in her education!

The white and snowy war suit is blended with her skin, and the legs are touched.

Su Yan’s powerful saint, struggling!

In the end, her wonderful body glowed, and the glory of the glory of the glory, just the nourishment of the fairy stone, the holy fairy restored a lot, and now once the breath is violent, like a beautiful snake, the shock of Su Yan flesh.

Su Yan’s heart is awkward, this woman is really powerful!

His flesh has recovered, and Su Yan's body is so powerful, **** gold, the body is not tough, and has also been nourished by the original maternal, making Su Yan's body quite abnormal and amazing!


There is nothing to say, Su Yan once again overwhelmed the saint and pressed her under her body.

"Don't struggle, honestly give in!"

Su Yan screams fiercely, the meat shell is cracked, and the terrible power is exuded. The shocking gods are surging, and the jade body struggling with the saints is suppressed!

"The trough...."

The next moment, Su Yan's face is not normal, the saint revived a stunning supernatural power, the snow white and delicate legs shine, the low and piercing dragons burst into flames, and broke away from the Su Yan energy ban!

"Dragon Snake Mystery!"

Amazingly, the gods and grandchildren bloom, and a white and delicate legs are turned into golden long legs, densely covered with the prosperous fairy tales, and a vaguely savage creature, which is equally golden, and the energy fluctuations are quite amazing.

The purebred dragon snake is absolutely worthy of the supreme creature. It is rare and incomparable. One of the cosmic eras will not be born. This kind of soul is super-existing, and the sacred woman is erupting.

A dragon like a dragon and a dragon, like a snake and a snake, slammed into the crotch of Su Yan!

Su Yan’s face was almost stunned. Is this going to make him a great grandson?

The Taisheng Saintess felt that Su Yan was invading herself. She did not know that he was wearing a shirt. Of course, she would not think that Su Yan would be bold enough to compete for the madness of the shirt.

"This is a **** leg, look at the trick!"

Su Yan's big hand shines, scratching the void at a very fast speed, and shrouded the golden dragon snake!


The dragon and the snake screamed, and the explosive power was shocked, and Su Yan’s palms were trembled.


Su Yan's palm is blazing, and the mass of the palm is blooming. The whole palm seems to be very small. In fact, it is infinitely large. It is a sacred space, and it is hard to cover the dragon snake secret technique. It is imprisoned in the infinite space and time, and it is destroyed.

In the end, Su Yan’s palm once again caught the beautiful legs of the Taisheng Lady.

"Sexual thief..."

Her eyes spurt, the white body of the body sheds a holy luster, deep in the human body, and conveys a burst of chanting. For a time she is particularly amazing, such as the peerless avenue bloom.

"What is this constitution?"

Su Yan was shocked, like a mysterious congenital body, and peerless.

In the next moment, the temperament of the sacred woman changed. For example, looking down on the supreme beings of all beings, sacred and inviolable, the chanting of the body became more and more fierce, and finally provoked the horror of the horror...

Strong as Su Yan, it is extremely difficult to hold her back.

It is worthy of being the saint of the Supreme Master. At this moment, the supreme battle of the female fairy is awakening, but she also deliberately suppresses her own physique. Su Yan is amazed at what she is, why she should deliberately conceal it. ......

Originally, the Taisheng Lady thought that she could take a look at Su Yan and take the initiative.

Who knows the next moment, Su Yan's flesh and blood body blooms magnificently, his body world is quite special and mysterious, such as the innocent universe, chaos is like a sea, there are sun, moon and stars, there are flowers and birds and fish.... .


The Taishen Lady is serious, she is holy and unparalleled, and she is a worldly and fascinating, recognizing this verse. I did not expect that the young devil will practice this scripture to this level, and it has already appeared in the scripture order. !

Similarly, she also wants to see and see, the most powerful scriptures in Tianting, in what field is terrible!

She has run the Taishang scriptures. This verse is also shocking and ancient. Only a very small number of disciples who are too faculty are qualified to practice. Once she releases her white jade body, she will have a terrible killing power. !


The two strong pressures together, in the extremely limited time and space, with the strongest scriptures launched a confrontation!

To know this, it is much stronger than Xiankui, quite amazing and peerless. When the two great qigongs that run together are struck together, the underground caverns of the earthquake shook, and many big cracks broke out!

Among them, the meteorological reversal, the flying light of Feixian, a face-to-face attack, almost collapsed the chaotic universe!

Can Su Yan's chaotic universe, the sun and the moon are arranged in the stars, the flowers, birds and fish worms are born, like the golden age of the world is here, hard to annihilate the light of the sky, and the grand atmosphere to be hit, the energy of the earthquake is too high. !


At this time, the light of the flying fairy in the sky suddenly disappeared between the heavens. This is the eruption of the Taishang, and her fighting power has soared. It contains the power of the gods and gods!

Su Yan’s face is serious, but this is called the secret of the strongest killing in history!

Too holy, especially in the process of cooperating with the initial process, the peerless is amazing, the chaotic universe has collapsed, and the terrible breath of Su Yan flesh!

"Initial power!"

Su Yan Daxie, bursting out of the initial meridian law, the collapse of the chaotic universe remodeling, the beginning of all things, re-creating the energy of the Qiankun, simply obscured the source of all the avenues, to wipe out the Taishang!


A loud bang exploded, the chaos collapsed, and the power of the flying fairy collapsed. Like the evenly matched enemy, Su Yan and the Taishang dynasty trembled at the same time, and they flew out each other!

"Sexual thief, take your life!"

The sacred woman was killed, and the black hair danced. The white body of the snow bloomed sacredly, and the killer scorpion was used to activate the overcoat.

"Sexual thief screaming thief is not stopping, let you taste what the thief is!"

Su Yan shouted, he directly activated the human form, the whole person, such as the peerless fairy, his strength, peerless, rushed to the Virgin.

He didn't dare to care about it.

The sacred woman is like a flying fairy outside the sky. At the moment of cross-border, the heavens and the earth are blasting, and the horror is fluctuating and plundering. It is necessary to give Su Yan a heavy blow.

She believes that under the ordinary world, very few people can withstand this killing.


Su Yan's black long hair dances, and he also casts a shocking supernatural power. It is not a martial art, not an initial force, nor a gasification.

Instead, the mystery of the robbery is blooming. In the body universe, the mystery secreted by the mysterious yellow universe is evolved. Su Yan of the real fairy realm, the evolutionary secret of the robbery, is like the birth of blood purgatory, replacing the immortal!

"What is this secret?"

The eyes of the Virgin Mary flashed a glimpse of the world, the **** world, the robbery of the robbery, the disastrous atmosphere, like a slap in the face, covering the sky.

She felt suffocated, and in the world of ravages, all the ways of doing things were a little out of sight.


At this moment, she recovered her calmness, and once again, the holy sacred battle once again ran out of the whole world, and the attacking power was unparalleled, and it could break the world!


She is like an ancient saint rushing, the holy body blooms the light of the flying fairy, and the world of blood is smashed into a big crack, taking the body of Su Yan!

"A good secret technique, the mystery of the robbery has been broken, but this secret is not suitable for single play!"

Su Yan's eyes are big, this is the too holy sacred, known as the invincible secret of the attack!

"I have to try the law and see how strong this secret is!"

Su Yan cold drink, the punches are as big as the sky, and they are suppressed!

Too sacred face is cold, and the flesh and blood of the body is hard to smother one's own holy sacred?

When the forces of each other collide, Su Yan's fists, the chaotic universe is turning, running through the heavens and the earth, such as the cosmic boxing in bloom, against the too holy!

But Su Yan’s fist was also trembled. He used the initial cosmic boxing to almost be unable to defend it. It is obvious how bad this holy sect is.


The face of the sacred woman is not normal. It is an invincible secret technique. How does Su Yan resist it?

In the battle of Emperor Road, Su Yan perfected the mystery that he had developed. In the initial strength, he could strengthen the power of Shentong, and thus his fist was too amazing. Now the goddess of too!


Suddenly, the amazing soul power came and killed.

Su Yan's face is unchanged. His goddess has a black **** warrior body, which can completely ignore the ghost of the god.

Su Yan rushed, the cold pupils opened up with lightning, and the spirit of the gods became more and more shocking.

He and the sacred sacred woman once again succumbed together, fighting each other for a long time, the ancient cave house that was killed collapsed, and the waves in this area started!

"Who is in the big fight?"

Some people were shocked, energy fluctuations were too intense, and attracted many people.

I can't see who is in the war, like seeing the ancient saints and the golden **** of war in the shopping.

In a short time, the two powerful battles for hundreds of rounds, from the sky to the underground, from the clouds to the starry sky, the fierce battle.

The mountains and mountains are ruptured, the lakes and mountains are smashed, and the destruction is full of power. No one dares to watch the battle at close range!


The sacred woman is really crazy. From the war to the present, she has been being crushed. Although she has not been substantially harmed, Su Yan’s power has refreshed her perception.

She feels that even if it is in a state of prosperity, it is difficult to hold the young devil.

The most important thing is that she is ashamed and angry. They are close-knit and inevitably have some close contact.


The wildness of Su Yan was a mess, and the Virgin was already very tired, the body was dim and the energy was exhausted.

Su Yan’s hands once again caught the shackles of the sacred woman, and pressed her whole person from the sky to the ground!

"Stop, I admit defeat, surrender...."

Too sacred woman can not wait to live and die Su Yan, the more the clothes on the body, the less the clothes on the shirt is quickly burned by Su Yan.

She showed white skin like ivory white, sacred radiance, full of fatal temptation.

(Brothers, the public number released the jade photo of the sacred woman, pay attention to the prestige public number, and pay attention to the view!)

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